执行:kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:1.17 --port=80 --replicas=3时会报错,反馈:Error: unknown flag: --replicas See ‘kubectl run --help’ for usage. 百度后:说是k8sv1.18.0以后的版本, --replicas以弃用该命令,推荐使用deployment创建pods. kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx:1.17.1 ...
$ docker run -P nginx:alpine The -P, or --publish-all, flag publishes all the exposed ports to the host. Docker binds each exposed port to a random port on the host. The -P flag only publishes port numbers that are explicitly flagged as exposed, either using the Dockerfile EXPOSE ...
kubectl expose pod nginx --port=80 --type=NodePort 1. 2. 查看服务: 对外暴露的端口是31168,外部访问: 除此之外,在集群中部署服务还有很多种方式,这里介绍几种常见的方式,关于端口,有port、targetport和nodeport。targetport是指pod内容器开放的端口,该端口一定要和pod容器中的镜像开放的端口一致,否则访问不了...
$ docker run -P nginx:alpine The -P, or --publish-all, flag publishes all the exposed ports to the host. Docker binds each exposed port to a random port on the host. The -P flag only publishes port numbers that are explicitly flagged as exposed, either using the Dockerfile EXPOSE ...
az vm run-command invoke-gmyResourceGroup-nmyVm--command-idRunShellScript--scripts"apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx" 备注 To run commands as a different user, entersudo -uto specify a user account. Azure portal Go to a VM in theAzure portaland selectRun commandin the left ...
The pricing model is also different:On Cloud Run, you only pay while a request is being handled. On AWS Fargate, you pay for CPU/memory while containers are running, and since Fargate doesn't support scale-to-zero, a service receiving no traffic will still incur costs....
version: '3' networks: laravel: services: site: build: context: ./dockerfiles dockerfile: nginx.dockerfile args: - UID=${UID:-1000} - GID=${GID:-1000} container_name: nginx ports: - 80:80 volumes: - ./src:/var/www/html:delegated depends_on: - php - redis - mysql - mailhog ...
Previous: Install SSL certificates on Spring Boot-based web applicationsNext: Install SSL certificates on NGINX or Tengine servers On this page(1, T) Preparations Prerequisites Step 1: Download the certificate Step 2: Install the certificate on the Tomcat server Step 3: C...
10.This is the most interesting part of this tutorial, it explains how you can actually run multiple PHP versions on your server. Here, you will configure the different versions ofphp-fpmthat Nginx will work with. You should define the user/group of the FastCGI processes as well as the p...
subdomain: specifies the subdomain part of the hostname of the ingress object used to expose the chatbot via theNGINX Ingress Controller. \n namespace: specifies the namespace of the workload application that accesses the Azure OpenAI Service. ...