生成上述的结构ngx_url_t后,根据结构中地址的个数 (port_num * addr_num)生成相应数量的ngx_stream_listen_t添加到ngx_stream_core_main_conf_t结构中的listen成员中。同时解析比如reuse,sndbuf,rcvbuf等属性。 通过函数ngx_stream_add_ports把上述的listen成员中的ngx_stream_listen_t数据按照相同的port number生...
I do not need multiple instances of a vhost on different ports. Original configuration excerpt: def writeconfded(user, domain, docroot, passedip, alias): user = user domain = domain passedip = passedip dedipvhost = """server { error_log /var/log/nginx/vhost-error_log warn; listen %s...
Add options to listen on custom port #607 Closed publicvirtualvoid commented Nov 8, 2017 • edited @Laykou Why does the template need to be rw? EDIT: the other problem was my own stupidity Laykou commented Nov 8, 2017 @publicvirtualvoid It does not need to be rw. It was just...
When a process calls the listen system to listen on ports, it passes in the backlog parameter, which determines the size of the socket connection queue. The value of the backlog parameter is not greater than that of somaxconn. When the Go program standard library listens, it reads and uses...
11、继续第3步开始的ngx_http_block分析,在ngx_http_optimize_servers方法中,我们可以看到,建立了从配置文件分析listen的信息(存储到cmcf->ports结构中),会关联到cycle->listening数组中 /* optimize the lists of ports, addresses and server names */ ...
listen [::]:443 ssl http2; server_name$(hostname-i)$IP; root /srv/website; index index.html; ssl_certificate "/etc/pki/nginx/server.crt"; ssl_certificate_key "/etc/pki/nginx/private/server.key"; ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:1m; ...
”我们原来不是解析了server中的listen 6666么,解析的结果放到了小蔡那儿,记得不“,小冰说到。 七夕:”嗯,记得。http层里ngx_http_core_module的ngx_http_core_main_conf_t保存着这部分数据。“ 小冰:”对的,但现在cycle哥下面还有一个小李同学(listening),她想把小蔡那儿ports的数据优化整理后放到自己这儿来“...
Add installation process on CentOS 7 for Tengine Web Server (separate file) Base Rules Format, prettify and indent your Nginx code Never use a hostname in a listen directive Making a rewrite absolute (with scheme) Use "return" directive for URL redirection (301, 302) ...
gzip_disable msie6; gzip_vary on; #选项可以让前端的缓存服务器缓存经过gzip压缩的页面。 server { listen 8900; server_name; charset utf-8; client_max_body_size 50M; proxy_set_header Host $proxy_host; location / { proxy_pass; } location /test/ { proxy...
{listen 16443; # 由于nginx与master节点复用,这个监听端口不能是6443,否则会冲突proxy_pass k8s-apiserver;}}http {log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ''$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" ''"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';access_log ...