缺失了文件.sudo_as_admin_successful 解决方法: 创建新的文件touch ~/.sudo_as_admin_successful
linux启动终端出现To run a command as administrator (user root) use sudo command See man sudo_root touch~/.sudo_as_admin_successful 1.
总的来说,“run it as root”命令是一个非常方便的工具,可以帮助我们在Linux系统中更便捷地以root身份运行命令。通过合理使用这个命令,我们可以更高效地管理系统,提高工作效率。在确保操作安全的前提下,我们可以放心地使用“run it as root”命令来简化我们的工作流程。
在Termux中,遇到“cannot run 'pkg' command as root”的错误通常意味着你尝试以root权限执行pkg命令,但Termux并不支持这样做。以下是针对你问题的详细解答: 1. 解释为何无法以root身份运行'pkg'命令 Termux是一个Android上的终端模拟器和Linux环境应用程序,它允许用户无需root权限即可在Android设备上运行Linux命令和...
linux command lynx 2019-12-09 20:50 −【Purpose】 Learning linux command lynx 【Eevironment】 Ubuntu... 嵌入式实操 0 239 Go Concurrency Patterns: Context At Google, we require that Go programmers pass a Context parameter as the first argument to every function on the call path between inco...
When the command is parsed, $ROOT_VAR is actually expanded to it's real value. In other words, the value of cmd is the following: cmd=" echo var-set-from-root echo `whoami` echo $HOME " You need to use backslashes to avoid parsing of whoami and $HOME in the root...
file system, leaving your system in an unusable state.We strongly suggest that you run mpirun as a non-root user.You can override this protection by adding the --allow-run-as-rootoption to your command line. However, we reiterate our strong adviceagainst doing so - please do so at your...
The swiss army knife for Magento developers, sysadmins and devops. The tool provides a huge set of well tested command line commands which save hours of work time. All commands are extendable by a module API. - netz98/n98-magerun
-u, --user="" Sets the username or UID used and optionally the groupname or GID for the specified command. The followings examples are all valid: --user [user | user:group | uid | uid:gid | user:gid | uid:group ] Without this argument the command will be run as root in the ...