# bash, then to run this script, type that shell name before the whole # command line, like: # # ksh Gradle # # Busybox and similar reduced shells will NOT work, because this script # requires all of these POSIX shell features: # * functions; # * expansions «$var»...
[ -e /proc/version ]; then if grep -qi microsoft /proc/version || grep -qi MINGW /proc/version; then if grep -qi microsoft /proc/version; then echo "Running under WSL" else echo "Running under git bash" fi if docker-compose -p user -f docker-compose-windows.yaml down |& tee ...
Alternatively, if you have CMake 3.13 or later you can specify the toolset version via the --msvc_toolset build script parameter. e.g. .\build.bat --msvc_toolset 14.11 If you have multiple versions of CUDA installed on a Windows machine and are building with Visual Studio, CMake will us...
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install Aug 24, 2022 at 1:44pm Ethan69 (4) Open Command Prompt and navigate to the folder where the script file is available. Type Bash script-filename.sh and hit the enter key. It will execute the script, and depending on the file,...
1) 由于我们用的平台是windows,首先我们需要安装MinGW(著名C/C++编译器GCC的Windows版本),安装教程可参考MinGW-w64安装教程 2) 配置好MinGW之后,创建c_test.c,将下列代码复制到c_test.c中 #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a = 10; int b = 1002; ...
因为没有还带着绝对路径的、没有后缀的文件名变量,就得先进入相应的文件夹cd $dir,再编译javac $fileName,运行java $fileNameWithoutExt。&&表示并且,连接多个bash命令在一行。 四、c++和python配置的例子 c_cpp_properties.json:c++要用 { "configurations": [ ...
#!/bin/bash # 函数:更新或追加键值对到.env文件 update_or_append_to_env() { local key=$1 local value=$2 local env_file=".env" # 检查键是否存在于.env文件中 if grep -q "^${key}=" "$env_file"; then # 如果键存在,则更新它的值 ...
githubhttps://github.com/Unitech/pm2 安装 npminstall-g pm2 管理命令 $pm2startapp.js$pm2startbashscript.sh$pm2startpython-app.py--watch# 启动npm run dev$pm2startnpm--watch--run dev pm2 [list|ls|status]# 显示状态pm2 logs# 查看所有进程日志pm2 monit# 监控信息pm2 stop all# 停止所有进程pm2...
bash = self.get('mingw bash') make = self.get('mingw make')if' 'inconf:raiseRuntimeError("The path of fftw3 configure script cannot contain spaces: %r"% (conf))if1: r =run_command('%s %s %s --enable-sse2'% (bash, conf, confflags), cwd=wd, env=self.environ, ...
npm scripts参数传递的命令行分割符是'--'。比如npm run build -- --name hello,即可将后续参数...