norm( [ x 1 ] ) (assumingxis a scalar variable or affine expression) it will be recognized by CVX as a convex expression, and therefore can be used in (appropriate) constraints and objectives. But if it is written as sqrt( x^2 + 1 ) CVX will reject it, since convexity of this f...
C# Compiler Errors - Microsoft Docs 本文会经常更新,请阅读原文:,以避免陈旧错误知识的误导,同时有更好的阅读体验。 本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际许可协议进行许可。欢迎转载、使用、重新发布,但务必保留文章署名 吕...
debianism - currently an alias for devel, used to convey the additional meaning of this package using a distribution maintained at Debian (probably with version addendum) snapshot - currently alias for ignored# Fedora was known to use "6.0.0" version before it was actually released # mark as...
- Armor Penetration (AP) is of 15 % per AP from 6. Meaning AP 5 gives 15 % pen, AP 4 gives 30 % pen, AP 3 gives 45 % pen, AP 2 gives 60 % pen. - Weapons which ignore all armor receive 75 % penetration. Ranged Weapons: ...
(meaning SYN-ACKs are permitted) Match: ip.proto eq "tcp" and ip.dst in $endpoints and tcp.dstport in {32768..60999} and not (tcp.flags.syn and not tcp.flags.ack) Action: AllowRule ID: 2 Description: Endpoints (clients) will receive traffic destined for ephemeral ports Match: ip....
Port of hamcrest to ActionScript 3, a library of matcher objects (also known as constraints or predicates) allowing 'match' rules to be defined declaratively, to be used in other frameworks. Typical scenarios include testing frameworks, mocking librarie
The command injection wget is not searched in the UA header as it has different meaning there. LDAP Fixed to reduce FPs: More accurate regular expressions high bit characters not accepted between signature tokens. Do not detect <?xml as a PHP tag in both PHP injection and PHP source leakag...
Meaning this project is a good base to easily extend your firewall and include more rules and functionalities. Currently there are some 650+ firewall rules included, 9 modules with 50+ functions, various scripts and useful documentation. You can choose which rules you want, and apply only thos...
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is governed by this License along with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains ...
The nomination for each game can be made one-by-one, meaning that only after the conclusion of the previous game the athletes for the next game need to be nominated by both teams. If participating FCO Esports Teams have a fourth athlete nominated for the competition, they can nominate such...