The following table lists the events for the Solution Health Rule Set (msdyn_solutionhealthruleset) table. Events are messages that exist so that you can subscribe to them. Unless you added the event, you shouldn't invoke the message, only subscribe to it....
The following table lists the events for the Solution Health Rule Set (msdyn_solutionhealthruleset) table. Events are messages that exist so that you can subscribe to them. Unless you added the event, you shouldn't invoke the message, only subscribe to it....
1. rule-set 规则 ① 规则参考Loyalsoldier/clash-rules,有如下分类: - RULE-SET,ads,🛑 广告拦截 - RULE-SET,private,🔒 私有网络 - RULE-SET,microsoft-cn,Ⓜ️ 微软服务 - RULE-SET,apple-cn,🍎 苹果服务 - RULE-SET,google-cn,📢 谷歌服务 - RULE-SET,games-cn,🎮 游戏平台 - RULE-...
自定义 rule-set 一、 说明 每天早上 3 点(北京时间)自动构建生成 reject.yaml、tracker.yaml、networktest.yaml、google-cn.yaml 和 user.yaml reject.yaml 源采用blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/AdvertisingLite、blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Hijacking和blackmatrix7/ios_rule_script/Privacy组合 ...
RuleEngineNotImplementedException RuleEnginePolicyRetrievalException RuleEngineRegisterCallbackException RuleEngineRuntimeColumnNotDefinedException RuleEngineRuntimeException RuleEngineRuntimeExecutionLoopException RuleEngineRuntimeFieldNotDefinedException RuleEngineRuntimeFieldSetFailedException RuleEngineRuntimeIncompatibleTyp...
深入瞭解 Microsoft.RuleEngine 命名空間中的 Microsoft.RuleEngine.RuleStoreRuleSetRenameNotAllowedException.RuleStoreRuleSetRenameNotAllowedException。
A unique identifier for the managed rule set. The ID is returned in the responses to commands likelist. You provide it to operations likegetandupdate. Type: String Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 36. Pattern:^[0-9a-f]{8}-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){3}[0-9a-f...
public class RuleSetTable extends RuleComponentTable<RuleSet> RuleSetTable is a list of all the RuleSets in a Dictionary. Methods are provided for adding, deleting, or reordering rulesets. See Also: Serialized Form Field Summary Fields inherited from class oracle.rules.sdk2.dictionary.DictionaryCompone...
It contains a set of rules that can be run by the rule engine. You must define the ruleset content and the parameters that allow the client application to exchange information with the ruleset. In a decision service, the decision operation includes all the settings needed to define the ...
Validates then generates RL code for the rule set. SettableProperty<java.lang.Boolean> getActiveProperty() Get Active Property. java.util.List<? extends RuleBase> getAllRules() Get All the rules in this RuleSet regardless of its type - Rule, VerbalRule or RuleSheet java.util.List<? ex...