“Rules of The Game” - Amy Tan I was six when my mother taught me the art of invisible strength. It was a strategy for winning arguments, respect from others, and eventually, though neither of us knew it at the time, chess games. "Bite back your tongue," scolded my mothe...
Rules of the Game1. 一个寒冷的春天的下午,我走路回家的时候,绕道走过我们小巷尽头的操场。我看见一群老人,其中两个坐在一张折叠椅上下象棋,其他的有的在抽烟斗,有的在吃花生,他们都在看棋。我跑回家里,抢走了Vincent放在用胶带封口的纸板箱里的国际象棋。我还偷偷地选了两卷作为奖励用的糖果。我回到公园,...
amygamerulestanalleytorture “RulesofTheGame”-AmyTanIwassixwhenmymothertaughtmetheartofinvisiblestrength.Itwasastrategyforwinningarguments,respectfromothers,andeventually,thoughneitherofusknewitatthetime,chessgames."Bitebackyourtongue,"scoldedmymotherwhenIcriedloudly,yankingherhandtowardthestorethatsoldbagsofsalte...
文档标签: Rules of the Game by Amy Tan 系统标签: game waverly rules amy tan jong 1 RulesoftheGamebyAmyTan InvisibleStrength WaverlyJong'smotherisalwaysteachingheraboutthe“artofinvisiblestrength“whichsymbolizesrules andknowledge. Thegameofchesshasmanyrulesjustlikethegameoflife.Rulesareinvisiblebecause...
In Amy Tan's "Rules of the Game," similes and personification are used to enhance imagery and convey emotions. Similes, such as comparing Waverly's actions to an impatient child on a bus and lights to tiger's eyes, highlight her feelings and the tension with her mother. Personification, ...
“rules of the game” amy tan “Rules of The Game” - Amy Tan I was six when my mother taught me the art of invisible strength. It was a strategy for winning arguments, respect from others, and eventually, though neither of us knew it at the time, chess games. "Bite back your ...
Rules Of The Game By Amy Tan Analysis Rulesof theGameThere was a Chinese kid that moved to the U.S‚ and she was interested to play chess. She learned how to play thegame. She was great at beating the other players‚ and she had a talent for playing chess. When she was 9-year...
Rules of the Game by Amy Tan Invisible Strength Waverly Jong's mother is always teaching her about the “art of invisible strength“ which symbolizes rules and knowledge.The game of chess has many rules just like the game of life. Rules are invisible because they are just a concept and ...
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This limits her time to do the mundane stuff that other kids do. Her childhood is arrested by her experience as a gifted chess player and competitor. Home Home is where people find refuge from all the anxieties of life, however, for�Waverly; home is the main cause of her anxieties. ...