Anyone have a good rule of thumb for choosing between different implementations of Java Collection interfaces like List, Map, or Set? For example, generally why or in what cases would I prefer to use a Vector or an ArrayList, a Hashtable or a HashMap?
As a rule of thumb for QA (Quality Assurance) activities, how many hours of downstream QA (Quality Assurance) costs are saved for each hour spent on technical reviews early in the project?() A. Up to 5 B. Up ...
aA rough rule of thumb for Ontario buyers is to allow about 3.0% to 3.5% of the purchase price for closing costs like: land transfer tax; legal fees; home inspection; and other fees and insurance. Note: 3.5% might be a little on the high side but, better safe than short! 一种粗砺...
aRule of thumb, confirmed appropriate for preliminary cost calculation by several professionals the authors worked with during their stay in the country. 概测法,被证实的适当为初步费用演算由几位专家作者与在他们的逗留期间一起使用在国家。[translate]...
rule是“规则、制度",thumb意思是拇指。以前没有温度计,有时候烧水不知道到底有多热,所以就用大拇指浸一下,然后就可以知道,水已经很热了。还有一种说法是因为古代的时候大家都是用便于计量的单位来计量,比方说脚、手指。后来rule of thumb就引申为“经验法则”。看看老外聊天时怎么用rule of thumb:A How ...
We report the results of an experiment providing empirical support for our “rule of thumb.” The model provides a simple, but plausible, account of a neural control strategy that has been the center of debate over the last two decades....
Rule of thumb的中文意思就是我们平常所说的:经验法则。例如:As a rule of thumb,it takes about an hour to make this dessert.根据经验法则,做这道甜点约需一个小时。有一个说法认为rule of thumb这个用语与英国一项传说有关。当时英国有项法律规定,男人要打老婆的话,不可以使用比男性大拇指还粗的棍子...
The Gram-Charlier A Series based Extended Rule-of-Thumb for Bandwidth Selection in Univariate and Multivariate Kernel Density Estimations The article derives a novel Gram-Charlier A (GCA) Series based Extended Rule-of-Thumb (ExROT) for bandwidth selection in Kernel Density Estimation (KDE). There...
This Policy Brief synthesises the main research findings and policy recommendations presented in the CEPS e-book entitled The Triangular Relationship between Fundamental Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law: Towards an EU Copenhagen Mechanism" (
Chapter 11 The 90-9-1 rule of thumb for community participationStan Garfield