Summary: Storytelling is a powerful technique for UX teams and for working with stakeholders, but only if you use the proper words for your audience's domain. Here are tips for building vocabulary for your stories. 2 minute video by Rachel Krause Topics: Persuasive Design, Design Process ...
The Placebo Effect: Persuasive Suggestions One form that expectations can take is in the shape of a placebo. A placebo is a nonmedicinal substance that is given to patients so they believe they are receiving medicine. Placebos were used during the Korean War when MASH units ran out of morphi...
After all, the Copenhagen criteria gained their persuasive power over acceding countries principally from the enormous difference between the financial status of a candidate country and that one of a full Member State. (cc) High majorities, nemo iudex in cause sua and the veto conundrum The ...
An example of comparing the sensor-based and chatbot-based approaches for the elderly healthcare is shown in Figure 1. Hence, our research group has been developing a new type of sensing technique, called mind sensing (“kokoro” sensing in Japanese) [81]. It aims to record the internal ...