like other powders that originated for shotguns but work as well or better for handguns. That load is of the target or practice variety, in terms of velocity. It pushes the Lee bullet to 1003 fps out of my Taurus G3c’s 3.26-inch barrel, and gets closer to 1100 fps out of a longer...
The robust rifle has a 22-inch free-float barrel and a molded-in Power Bedding system. Regardless of the conditions you are operating in, it is with you. Add to that some excellent features, including the crisp-breaking Marksman adjustable trigger with an LOP of between 3-5 lbs. And do...
Remove the recoil spring. The barrel is affixed to the frame but can come off via a screw in the trigger guard. To put it back together: Place the rod end of the recoil spring/ guide rod in its corresponding hole in the front of the frame, under where the barrel will sit. Place th...
Ruger's competition government model: a few words of praise for a deservedly popular pistol The Competition Government Model sports a 6 7/8 inch slab-side barrel, wears target grade adjustable sights, is drilled and tapped for scope mount and rings (which are included with the pistol) and is...
and I`m still impressed at how easy it is to remove and change out the barrel due to the clever locking lug with the beefy Allen screws. I know of no other .22 rimfire that comes close to this clever design. Over the years I have taught many friends and relatives how to shoot a ...
Ruger's offered us 5.5 and 7.5-inch barrels, in all three of the major magnum calibers and the .45 Colt, but never a standard factory 4-inch bar- rel in any of those calibers. If you were a fan of Ol' Red and wanted a shorter tube, you had to have one whacked off by a ...
The Ruger SP101 is a two-and-a-half-inch barrel on a .357 Magnum revolver. If you have read many of my small-revolver reviews, you will notice that I have reviewed more than a few small revolvers that were in .357 Magnum.