Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial PDF电子版:Learn Rails by Example 作者: Michael Hartl 下载 提取码:iipq --来自百度网盘超级会员V2的分享 针对rails框架的使用来说,本书只是介绍了个皮毛,但是,此书的价值远不在这里,而在于他一步一步的引导初学者按照TDD...
/usr/bin/rubyx=1unless x>2puts"x is less than 2"elseputs"x is greater than 2"end 用!!对对象做两次取反操作,把对象转换成布尔值。Ruby中nil是唯一一个布尔值为“假”的对象,其他所有Ruby对象都是“真”值,数字0也是。 >>nil=>false>>!0=> true >>"foobar".length>>"foobar".empty?>>"foo...
Rails 的整体的架构是 MVC 架构,(MVC 是 model-view-controller 的缩写)其架构图如下:  当用户看到一个界面的时候,整体的流程如下: 用户在浏览器中点击一个链接,浏览器向 Router 发送一个 HTTP 请求 Router 识别这个请求对应的 Controller action(控制器动作) Controller 执行该动作,然后与 Model 交互,请求得...
《Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial》是2010年Addison-Wesley Professional出版的图书,作者是Michael Hartl。内容简介 “Ruby on Rails™ 3 Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example by Michael Hartl has become a must read for developers learning how to build Rails apps.”—Peter Cooper, Editor of Ruby Inside Using ...
Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 以下仅针对 ruby -v 2.12 and rails -v 4.1.5 1. In Rails 4.1+, they deprecated db:test:prepare with that message. You can now just use: ActiveRecord::Migration.maintain_test_schema! in spec_helper.rb (or similar files if you're not...
Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial Learn Rails by Example (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series) 热度: Ruby on rails代码规范 热度: RubyonRails敏捷开发实践 jesse.cai@gmail 2011/5atWebAppConference (Shenzhen) AboutMe 蔡望勤JesseCai http://caiwangqin ...
Ruby on Rails Tutorial Job Search PDF Version Quick Guide Resources Discussion Ruby on Rails is an extremely productive web application framework written in Ruby. This tutorial gives you a complete understanding on Ruby on Rails. What is Ruby on Rails? Ruby on Rails (or simply Rails) is a ...
Ruby on Rails 3 教程说明书
Michael Hartl’s Ruby on Rails™ 3 Tutorial, the #1 hands-on guide to Rails web programming–a $40 value A $190 value, this package delivers instant skills, answers, and solutions from 18+ hours of video LiveLessons (a $150 value)…plus deeper insights from Ruby on Rails™ 3 Tutori...
"It's an empty string!" else "The string is nonempty." end end 参数:' '是参数str的默认值,调用函数时,str参数是可选的,如果不指定,就使用默认值。参数名称任意。 返回值:Ruby方法不显示指定返回值,方法的返回值是最后一个语句的计算结果,也可以显式指定返回值。