This tutorial gives you a complete understanding on Ruby on Rails. What is Ruby on Rails? Ruby on Rails (or simply Rails) is a server-side web framework. It follows the MVC (model view controller) pattern for the application development. It is written in Ruby programming language. Rails ...
原文链接:。 我下载的是目前最新的Rails版本2.1,数据库使用的是Sql Server 2000,应用程序所在目录为F:\Ruby\railsdoc\myforum。首先快速地依照以下步骤创建Forum类: 执行rails myforum生成完整的目录结构; 执行ruby script/gene...
Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection. Contribute to dreikanter/ruby-bookmarks development by creating an account on GitHub.
The Ruby on Rails Tutorial owes a lot to my previous Rails book, RailsSpace, and hence to my coauthor Aurelius Prochazka. I’d like to thank Aure both for the work he did on that book and for his support of this one. I’d also like to thank Debra Williams Cauley, my editor on...
This Rails Tutorial is a great walk-through, where you get to create a Twitter-like app. You als get to use RSpec and a few other handy gems along the way as well – which makes this tutorial well worth doing, even if just to get another person’s perspective on how they might go...
What is Ruby on Rails? Ruby Vs Other Languages Ruby Environment Setup Ruby 101: Programming Projects for Beginners Resources For starters, it doesn’t cost anything to develop with Ruby because the interpreter is free right along with several other language-specific tools. ...
Once you mastered Ruby, you are ready to go one step further and start building your first web application. Look for our Ruby on Rails tutorial to start with your first Rails web app.
Ruby was conceived for the world wide web, but it is still considered a general purpose language. While it is primarily used for web-based projects, when combined withRails– a popular Ruby framework – it can also be used to develop web applications. ...
and Python; this makes it a good choice for Rails developers. Otherwisechrubyorrbenvare fine for just managing Ruby versions. Finally, useDocker(orNix) if you’re on a team with a complex project environment (for example, Ruby, Node, Redis, and PostgreSQL all in one project). Here are ...