Get free access to all 10 Learn Enough courses (including the Ruby on Rails Tutorial) for 7 days! Free 7 Day trial details We require a credit card for security purposes, but it will not be charged during the trial period. After 7 days, you will be enrolled automatically in the monthly...
Never miss an article, course or series by joining the FREE newsletter Select a Ruby on Rails Tutorial Series! Let's Build Instagram with Ruby on Rails A 7 part Ruby on Rails tutorial series where we recreate Instagram and its system of posting and following!
Rails 的整体的架构是 MVC 架构,(MVC 是 model-view-controller 的缩写)其架构图如下:  当用户看到一个界面的时候,整体的流程如下: 用户在浏览器中点击一个链接,浏览器向 Router 发送一个 HTTP 请求 Router 识别这个请求对应的 Controller action(控制器动作) Controller 执行该动作,然后与 Model 交互,请求得...
Free HTML version|Ebook + Videos|Printed version (Pre-Order) Title:Agile Web Development with Rails 7 Level:Intermediate programmer|Some experience with Rails Type: Tutorial This is the latest edition of the classic Agile Web Development with Rails book. The first Rails book to appear on the sc...
于是找到了https://www.railstutorial.org上的首推教程《Ruby on Rails Tutorial》 屏幕快照 2016-05-29 上午11.04.20.png 这本书第一章和第二章讲了2个基本demo,实在没啥意思,姑且略过. 从第三章开始到第十二章是从0到1实现了一个类似Twitter的简单社交网站(首页,登录注册,发布推文,关注等功能). 怎么样...
Ruby on Rails Tutorial 第八章笔记 基本登陆功能 在本章实现用户登陆与退出功能. 由于HTTP 是一种无状态协议,本质上来说,用户是无法在两个页面上保持登陆状态的. 为了解决这个问题,解决方案是通过浏览器的 cookie 数据库实现用户与服务器的半永久连接,这样的连接称为session (会话)....
[Ruby]RUBY ON RAILS TUTORIAL 的搬运工第一天 <br /> 下面是第8章开始 <br /> 8.Log in, log out 8.1 Sessions 8.1.1 Sessions controller 生成session controller rails generate controller Sessionsnew 修改config vim config/routes.rb Rails.application.routes.drawdoroot'static_pages#home'get'help'=>...
Ruby on Rails Tutorial - Ruby on Rails is an extremely productive web application framework written in Ruby. This tutorial gives you a complete understanding on Ruby on Rails.
ruby rails 入门 ruby on rails tutorial (接上一篇,今天的目标是把第二章结束~~加油) [size=medium]2.3 Microposts资源[/size] 在生成和探索了Users资源之后,让我们转过来看看另一个相关资源——Microposts。 在这一节中,我建议对比一下2个资源中相似的元素。你会看到2个资源之间会有很多地方都是相同的。