Ruby版本:1.9.3 OS:Windows 7 控制台创建一个博客项目 rails new blog cd blog rails g scaffold post title:string text:text rails g model comment post_id:integer text:text rake db:migrate rails s 测试:http://localhost:3000/posts 修改index.html.erb blog/app/views/posts/index.html.erb 删除原...
The final source code for 2 full-featured Rails apps “I felt like I had a ton of 'A-HA!' moments” I felt like I had a ton of 'A-HA!' moments...What really made things stick for me in this course was the fact that I wasn't building the same exact thing that the instructor...
Exploration of the Rails source code Ruby dynamics Many more programming concepts and techniques! about the reader Newcomers to Ruby will find a Rails-oriented Ruby introduction that's easy to read and that includes dynamic programming techniques, an exploration of Ruby objects, classes, and data ...
本次我们尝试在最新的M1芯片Mac os(Big Sur 11.2.2)中搭建最新版Ruby3.0.0以及Web开发框架Rails6.1.1,全新的芯片、全新的征途、全新的开始: 首先我们来看看M1芯片的命令行,如果你是从老版本Mac迁移过来的,比如笔者(Mojave),最好将老的Base命令行更换成zsh,zsh是一款功能比bash更强大的终端(shell)系统,既可以作...
Ruby on Rails is released under theMIT License. About Ruby on Rails Topics rubyrailshtmlactiverecordframeworkmvcactivejob Resources Readme License MIT license Code of conduct Code of conduct Security policy Security policy Activity ...
Cross-platform Ruby on Rails IDE with first-class support for Ruby-related technologies. Download now!
ruby rails open-source community discussion feedback hacktoberfest Updated Feb 21, 2025 Ruby lewagon / setup Star 18.9k Code Issues Pull requests Setup instructions for Le Wagon's students on their first day of Web Development Bootcamp ruby setup Updated Jan 20, 2025 Ruby rubocop / ...
在这篇文章中已经收集了7个最好的Ruby on Rails IDE列表,这将有助于你完成你的开发任务。如果你知道一些其他的Ruby on Rails IDE,请在评论区发表评论。 1. Aptana Studio Aptana Studio 3 is an open source development tool for the developers; it enables developer to test their web applications using ...
As active contributors to the global Rails community, we don’t just use Ruby on Rails—we improve it through open-source initiatives, solving asset management challenges. From eCommerce platforms to award-winning employee engagement tools, Monterail combines unparalleled expertise, proven results, and...
That means you can't tap into the full power of Rails unless you master the Ruby language. what's inside Classes, modules, and objects Collection handling and filtering String and regular expression manipulation Exploration of the Rails source code Ruby dynamics Many more programming concepts and ...