chore: remove webpack from yarn dependencies in Rails dev May 24, 2024 rails.gemspec Drop support to Ruby 3.1 Sep 26, 2024 yarn.lock Start development of Rails 8.1 Oct 19, 2024 README Code of conduct MIT license Security Welcome to Rails ...
因此,我们在AWS虚拟机中下载并运行了一个开源的AI模型,使之完全处于我们的控制之下。同时,Rails应用可以在安全的环境中,对AI进行API调用。当然,如果不必考虑安全问题,我们更倾向于直接与OpenAI合作。 下面,我将和大家分享如何在本地下载开源的AI模型,让它运行起来,以及如何针对其运行Ruby脚本。 为什么要定制? 这个项...
chore: remove webpack from yarn dependencies in Rails dev May 24, 2024 rails.gemspec Bump the required Ruby version to 3.1.0 Dec 31, 2023 version.rb Development of Rails 8.0 starts now May 14, 2024 yarn.lock Depend on activestorage 8.0.0-alpha ...
rails --version If you see "Rail x.x.x" then you are now set to explore the world of Ruby on Rails. Some Ruby on Rails Examples You may be wondering if there are any "big websites" that are using Ruby on Rails. Well...yes. There are many websites that you are visiting every...
《Ruby on Rails教程》学习笔记 本文是我在阅读Ruby on Rails 教程的简体中文版时所做的摘录,以及学习时寻找的补充知识。补充知识主要来自于Ruby on Rails 實戰聖經。 Asset Pipeline 在最新版 Rails 中,静态文件可以放在三个标准文件夹中,而且各有各的用途:...
Rails.root string conversion gives an ASCII string on Ruby 1.9.2 was updated by klkk 03:16 AM #6430 / ✓invalid ticket Rails 3 Beta 3 label form helper causes "stack level too deep" exception was updated by klkk 03:16 AM #4422 / ✓resolved ticket [PATCH] Auto-load i18n...
Microsoft Graph sample Ruby on Rails app This sample demonstrates how to use the Microsoft Graph REST API to access data in Office 365 from Ruby on Rails apps. NOTE:This sample was originally built from a tutorial published on theMicrosoft Graph tutorialspage. That tutorial has been removed. ...
Run Code When you're done editing, save and close the document. Your project now includes Bootstrap as well as some unique styles. The next step is to incorporate Bootstrap layout guidelines and elements into your application files CSS Bundling in Ruby on Rails💯 ...
如果您采用第二种方式,那么您将使用 rails credentials:edit 命令来打开和编辑config/credentials.yml.enc文件,您的环境变量将在这个文件内进行设置和管理。当您要使用它们时,使用 Rails.application.credentials.dig(:YOUR_ENV_VAR_NAME) 来获取。 假如您使用VS Code来编辑文件或代码,那么可以在上述命令前加入编辑器...