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ruby rails open-source community discussion feedback hacktoberfest Updated Feb 21, 2025 Ruby lewagon / setup Star 18.9k Code Issues Pull requests Setup instructions for Le Wagon's students on their first day of Web Development Bootcamp ruby setup Updated Jan 20, 2025 Ruby rubocop / ...
书中多对多的关系自定义了很多名字,如果采用Rails默认命名,是下面的样子: classEvent< ActiveRecord::Basehas_many:event_groupshipshas_many:groups,:through=>:event_groupshipsendclassEventGroupship< ActiveRecord::Basebelongs_to:eventbelongs_to:groupendclassGroup< ActiveRecord::Basehas_many:event_groupshipshas...
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Stay in touch with the latest Rails features and employ them by working on real-world projects or contributing to open-source projects to sharpen your skills. Disadvantages of Rails Ruby on Rails is an opinionated framework which means it guides you into their way of doing things. Due to its...