Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database. Redmine is open source and released under the terms of theGNU General Public License v2(GPL). Overview Multiple projects support Flexible role based access cont...
README == OpenSourceRails OpenSourceRails is a project gallery for Ruby on Rails projects. == Credits Developed by Jacques Crocker ( == License MITAbout Open Source Ruby on Rails Project Gallery Resources Readme Activity Stars 47 stars Watchers 4 ...
Related Projects react_on_rails: Integration of React with Rails utilizing Webpack, Redux, React-Router. React on Rails Pro:React on Rails with Node rendering and many other performance enhancements. react-rails-benchmark_renderer adds performance instrumentation to server rendering. Ruby Hyperstack: ...
Ruby on Rails Chowbus 2016 年起步于芝加哥,是一个致力于颠覆北美中小型餐厅用餐体验的平台,可以理解为在北美的美团/饿了么,被 Andreessen Horowitz 列入 2020 年美国 “Marketplce 100” 榜单,成为美国增长极快的网上交易平台之一,员工将近500人,公司今年年初正式来国内组建研发团队,中国的研发中心正在招募大量资深...
At Monterail, we’ve leveraged Ruby on Rails' capabilities to create outstanding digital solutions across industries. Our case studies present a wide range of projects where Rails was instrumental in helping our clients achieve their goals. Explore ourportfolioto see the work results of the top Rub...
Explore what is Ruby on Rails and its key principles. Read on to know the advantages, responsibilities & salary of ROR developer and its future.
Rails Presenters This category does not have a description yet. You can add one on github!Full Compact Table Order by Project Score draper 2.89 A long-lived project that still receives updates draperdrapergem/draperHomepageDocumentationSource CodeBug TrackerWiki Draper adds an object-oriented layer ...
What is Ruby on Rails? Ruby on Rails is a web-application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. Ruby on Rails is an open-source software used to build web applications. Often called “Rails,”...
RailsBridge’s mission is“To create an inclusive and friendly Ruby on Rails community”(check out details on thehomepage). Everyone is welcome to participate – with ideas, suggestions, design, code, new project proposals or just about anything that would make Rails a more open and accepted ...
Ruby on Rails offers several advantages for e-commerce projects. Firstly, it is a mature framework with a large and active community. This means that you have access to a wealth of resources, libraries, and plugins that can expedite your development process. Additionally, Rails has built-in se...