gem install rdoc 另外文末还附了几个常见的错误及解决办法。 rails安装好了,我们输入gem -v和rails -v检查,如下所示: 这样Ruby On Rails开发环境就算搭建好了。唉~真累!!! 6. 下面我们测试以下,这里的例子就是官网的getting started: mkdir test cd test...
不过这么多年过去了,Ruby On Rails的优势越来越不那么明显了,NodeJS看起来成为了新一代服务器的主流。 然而Ruby On Rails的余温尚在,而且社区依然非常活跃,一个月前这个框架版本还在更新。GitHub这个网站就是用的Rails,我在的公司Stripe虽然不用Rails,但是API用的是Rails的一个底层API框架Sinatra,而且网络层用的也是...
Rails is “opinionated software.” It doesn’t want to be everything for everyone. It focuses on one way of doing things and streamlines all its parts around that way. That’s not to say there’s no possibility of doing things differently if you need to, but you’ll definitely have it...
Ruby是一门面向对象的脚本语言。 Ruby On Rails简称为RoR或Rails,是按照MVC结构开发的开源网络应用框架。设计原则:Don't repeat yourself和Conventions over Configuration RubyGems是Ruby语言的包管理工具。 学习资料:
DB2 and Ruby on Rails, Part 1: Getting started with DB2 and Ruby on RailsJohn ChunAlex PitigoiNaomi NganChristine Law
必须先使用 IBM 数据服务器客户机设置 Rails 环境,然后才能为 IBM® 数据库服务器开发 Ruby on Rails 应用程序。 过程 要使用 IBM 数据服务器客户机设置 Ruby on Rails 环境,请执行以下操作: 从下载并安装最新版本的 Ruby。
在浏览器中输入http://localhost:3000/,如下图,哈哈,我们的Ruby On Rails开发环境终于搭建好了,真是累啊! 常见的问题及解决办法: 1. 在rails new blog的时候提示: 原因是没有安装libyaml,解决办法: wget ...
Last week we publishedGetting Started With Ruby On Rails, the first part of our Ruby On Rails introduction. We explained basic ideas behind Ruby and presented concepts and essential components of the language. In this article you’ll learn more about Rails, you will learn how to get Ruby on...
One of the most important and most well known features of Ruby on Rails is its Active Record ORM.Rails’ implementation of Active Record makes accessing and working with data in your database incredibly easy. Over the years, the ORM has also picked up a lot of additional functionality to ...
新建一个rails工程: RailsnewprojName--skip-bundle #工程名为projName--skip-bundle 避免卡住 Gemfile中: source ''这个是官方的gem源,国内访问很慢。 如果创建工程的时候,不skip,那么会去这个源下载. ver `vendor`:存放三方库`Gemfile`:配置了这个工程的所有gem包 ...