我忘记将词尾放在if语句的末尾,并得到以下错误: /home/***/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p0/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:45:in `require': **/home/***/Desktop/ruby/food_finder/lib/restaurant.rb:84: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting keyword_end ...
(<%%|%%>|<%=|<%#|<%|%>\n|%>|\n|\z)/m) do |tokens| tokens.each do |token| next if token.empty? head = token unless head if token == "%>\n" yield('%>') if is_erb_stag?(head) yield(:cr) else yield("\n") end head = nil else yield(token) head = nil if ...
Style/HashLikeCase Style/HashSyntax Style/HashTransformKeys Style/HashTransformValues Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches Style/IfInsideElse Style/IfUnlessModifier Style/IfUnlessModifierOfIfUnless Style/IfWithBooleanLiteralBranches Style/IfWithSemicolon Style/ImplicitRuntimeError Style/InPatternThen Style/Infinite...
Ruby is a unique language, full of quirky syntax and semantics that can sometimes seem a bit magical. While Ruby is often overshadowed by a certain web-development framework built on top of it, the language itself is versatile and well-suited to a wide variety of applications. Great Ruby de...
Allow Bundler to run on old RubyGems + Ruby 2.7 without warnings #6187 Bug fixes: Fix dependencies scoped to other platforms making resolver fail #6189 Restore annotated git tag support #6186 2.4.0 (December 24, 2022) Security: In README generated by bundle gem, do not fill rubygems.o...
RailsAdmin- A Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data. Trestle- A modern, responsive admin framework for Rails. Build a back-end in minutes that will grow with the needs of your application. Analytics ...
weighing in at less than 300 lines of code tagz.rb adds an html/xml/sgml syntax to ruby that is both unobtrusive, safe, and available globally to objects without the need for any builder or superfluous objects. tagz.rb is designed for applications that generate html to be able to do ...
Browse popular ruby on rails links ondel.icio.us,Rails documentationandRuby syntax & examples. But What Does It All Mean? “Ruby on Rails” is catchy but confusing. Is Rails some type of magical drug that Ruby is on? (Depending on who you ask, yes.) ...
在Ruby 中编写二进制文字并不常见,但您可以通过将它们作为字符串或字节来执行此操作。以下是通过 Ruby 进行二进制文字处理的几种方法: 1. 格式化二进制文字字符串:在 Ruby 代码中,字符...
*“Would I pay for this app?”– a great reality check they are asking themselves all the time. If you wouldn’t pay for such a product, why would anyone else? *“Running your own business = the power to say no– You should be able to say “no” and stick to your vision rather...