其实python和ruby非常接近,比大多数别的语言要接近的多,所以喜欢用啥就用啥(大实话,虽然也是废话)。语法上的差别虽然有那么一点,大部分是syntax sugar,我斗胆稍微列几个(python我也忘得差不多了,不对的大家尽管来鞭尸吧),但是主要差异还是设计思想上的:灵活vs明确. 我不认为两者在生产力上会有什么差别,如果你熟...
其实python和ruby非常接近,比大多数别的语言要接近的多,所以喜欢用啥就用啥(大实话,虽然也是废话)。语法上的差别虽然有那么一点,大部分是syntax sugar,我斗胆稍微列几个(python我也忘得差不多了,不对的大家尽管来鞭尸吧),但是主要差异还是设计思想上的:灵活vs明确. 我不认为两者在生产力上会有什么差别,如果你熟...
在编程中,"Ruby-esque" if else条件语句是指类似于Ruby语言中的条件语句的写法,即在条件表达式后直接跟着代码块,而不需要使用大括号或其他语法元素。这种写法通常被称为"三元运算符"或"条件运算符"。 在Ruby语言中,这种写法如下所示: 代码语言:txt 复制 result = condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false...
# bad - pretty convolutedkind=caseyearwhen1850..1889then'Blues'when1890..1909then'Ragtime'when1910..1929then'New Orleans Jazz'when1930..1939then'Swing'when1940..1950then'Bebop'else'Jazz'endresult=ifsome_condcalc_somethingelsecalc_something_elseend# good - it's apparent what's going onkind=c...
case"str"when/^s/,"abc"puts"match one"when/r$/thenputs"one line statement"elseputs"otherwise"end Ruby-Doc/syntax/control_expressions 遍历 遍历 数组、哈希、Range arr=[ 1,2,3]hash={a:1,b: 2,c:3}arr.each{|v|puts v}# 遍历数组hash.each{|k,v|puts k,v}# 遍历hashhash.keys.each{...
if (newl == 0 || oldl == 0) { rb_fatal("malformed RUBYLIB_PREFIX"); } translit_char(newp, '\\', '/'); } else { notfound = 1; } } if (!newp || l < oldl || STRNCASECMP(oldp, s, oldl) != 0) { return rb_str_new(s, l); ...
/usr/bin/ruby -w# -*- coding : utf-8 -*-#(<<)here doucument 感觉本来单行是一个整体变成是一种多行作为一个整体进行导入的方式和 sh 语法相似print<<EOF这是第一种方式创建here document多行字符串。EOFprint<<"EOF";# 与上面相同这是第二种方式创建here document多行字符串。EOFprint<<`EOC`# ...
If you’re having trouble with updating custom fields, be sure to check the permission of the user that created the custom field. Only text fields can be updated as custom fields. At this point it isn’t clear what to send the Zoho API to have it accept anything else. Please send in...
Prism now provides errors when parsing Ruby 3.4+ syntax for index expressions with keywords or blocks. Prism now provides an error when **nil is used after other keyword parameters. Prism now provides errors when safe navigation is used in call target expressions, e.g., foo&.bar, = 1. Pr...