For example, it’s innovation if learners design and build a community garden on the grounds of their own school. However, simply designing the garden isn’t innovation. If learners don't have the authority to implement their own ideas, it counts as innovation only if they convey their ...
(essay, poster, presentation); provide students with 3 versions of the product and rubric to assess. Insure that each product differs greatly in quality. As a class review and rate these products based on the rubric. There is no clearer way to display your expectations. I have gone as to...
For a story, this could mean deciding what will happen at the beginning, middle and end. For an expository piece, students would sort details into categories and build an outline. To practice this trait, try: Using a story map to organize ideas into setting, characters, beginning, middle ...
The original version of the single point rubric allowed no space for actually pointing out when the student hit the standard, apart from maybe circling or highlighting the middle column. With this format, teachers can pinpoint where the student is on each descriptor, then offer feedback, either...
Blogging in the Elementary School Classroom Melissa Fulton McNally, Greenhill School Maggie Fulton, The Lamplighter School Handout: All About Me Presentation EPS Coding Rubric 2016 At Expected Level Consolidating Beginning Prep SeshatCDG’s Lookbook This template can be used as a starter file for a...
For example, learners might create a presentation that integrates video and text or embed a photograph into a blog post. However, the communication qualifies as multimodal only if the elements work together to produce a stronger message than any one element alone. Additionally, if the learni...
Learners designing and executing a procedure for testing the qualities of the tap water at their school, testing the water, and redesigning the procedure iteratively until they have accurate dataThe following scenarios require learners to apply their knowledge in a new context:Learners...
Learners designing and executing a procedure for testing the qualities of the tap water at their school, testing the water, and redesigning the procedure iteratively until they have accurate dataThe following scenarios require learners to apply their knowledge in a new context:Learners...
The lesson plan exemplars for each level of TPACK were developed from the elements of the lessons created by the elementary school teachers for a second-grade topic on the addition and subtraction of numbers within 1000, using place values and the properties of the operations. The following commo...