Acquiring complex oral presentation skills is cognitively demanding for students and demands intensive teacher guidance. The aim of this study was twofold:
students begin to question the terms teachers have been using since they were in elementary school. Phrases like "weighted scores" and "grading on a curve", which used to be just teacher talk, are now being called into question since those GPAs are so important 9th grade and beyond. Anothe...
The description should be as specific and detailed as possible to leave no room for uncertainty when analyzing student work. A teacher should be able to hold a student's work against this description and immediately determine how effective their performance was. Great action verbs to try include:...
(essay, poster, presentation); provide students with 3 versions of the product and rubric to assess. Insure that each product differs greatly in quality. As a class review and rate these products based on the rubric. There is no clearer way to display your expectations. I have gone as to...
The Rubric Builder is a tool for helping teachers create rubrics quickly and easily. Contains thousands of courses and criteria to choose from. Ontario version contains the actual Ministry expectations.
“Single Point Rubric” in 2000 during a conference presentation by someone named Mary Dietz. Attending that conference was a researcher named Jarene Fluckiger, who publisheda study on its effectiveness in 2010. (The reference to Dietz is in Fluckiger’s paper, but no one named Dietz has ...
Level 1 –This is elementary, which means that you might have touched upon the real-life situation, but you have not given any reference, which means that you have not done the right analysis or connected it to the other things.
Blogging in the Elementary School Classroom Melissa Fulton McNally, Greenhill School Maggie Fulton, The Lamplighter School Handout: All About Me Presentation EPS Coding Rubric 2016 At Expected Level Consolidating Beginning Prep SeshatCDG’s Lookbook This template can be used as a starter file for a...
The lesson plan exemplars for each level of TPACK were developed from the elements of the lessons created by the elementary school teachers for a second-grade topic on the addition and subtraction of numbers within 1000, using place values and the properties of the operations. The following commo...