A Plague of Rats and Rubber Vines: The Gro- wing Threat of Species Invasions. Island Press, Washington, DC.Baskin Y., 2002: A Plague of Rats and Rubbervines: The Growing Threat of Species Invasions. Island Press, Washington D.C.
METHODS: Esophagogastric anastomoses were done in 40 rats. In the experimental group (20 rats) a portion of latex rubber Penrose drain was placed over the anastomosis. This was not done in the control group (20 rats). Rats were sacrificed 7 days after surgery. The anastomoses were inspected...
[25]. Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus), weighing between 400 and 500 g, were obtained from the animal room of UFMT. The animals were maintained with sterile water and feed provided ad libitum, in the same environment and biological cycle day/night, temperature, controlled humidity and ...
Continuous administration of diets containing 0, 20, 60, 200, or 600 ppm of N-oxydiethylene thiocarbamyl- N-oxydiethylene sulfenamide to groups of male and female Sprague-Dawley rats (60/sex/group) for over 2 years resulted in oncogenic and toxic effects which generally were limited to the...
give it a wide berth so it has plenty of room to escape. Don’t poke or prod it, and let it be on its way. If you arebitten by a nonpoisonous snake,clean the wound and get a tetanus shot if you need too. If you arebitten by a poisonous snake, get to an emergency room ASAP...
After incubation at 4 °C for 30 min and centrifugation for 2 min at 16,060rcf at room temperature, the supernatant was decanted. The pellet was washed with 1 ml water and 1 ml acetone, respectively, at moderate shaking. The rubber precipitate was air-dried overnight and weighed. Rubber ...
The invention relates to a rubber mixture comprising at least one rubber and at least one low-PAH-content carbon black, where the low-PAH-content carbon black has
The present invention relates to an asphalt product that comprises an asphalt component and a plurality of pellets comprising a mixture of a ground tire rubber and an elastomeric po
METHODS: Iodized oil and silicone rubber solution were injected into the hepatic artery in rats. The porta hepatis and the liver periphery were examined using in vivo microscopy. RESULTS: Iodized oil and silicone rubber solution had identical distribution patterns in the hepatic circulation. Both ...
A technique is described for quantitatively examining the diffraction pattern of polydimethylsiloxane at and below room temperature with the x-ray diffractometer. The crystalline fraction of the unstretched material is determined by the classical method developed for natural rubber. In the case of the ...