Briefly, 30 g of propolis were dissolved with 100 mL of absolute ethyl alcohol for 7 days at room temperature with periodic shaking in refrigerated shaker. The solution was then filtered and subjected to the rotary evaporator at 40 °C to obtain 19 g of the crude extract of ...
The weight of UFPNR (W1) was measured before immersing in toluene (ρs = 0.87 g/cm3, V1 = 106.5 mL/mol) at room temperature for 24 h. After that, the swollen UFPNR was immediately weighted (W2), followed by drying in a vacuum oven at 80 °C for 24 h to remove the ...
She enjoys writing, reading, and growing as many plants as will fit in her room. Camille Meyers is a writer and wildlife conservation biologist with wanderlust. She has worked with falcons in Belize and as a zookeeper in Washington State. Currently, she is an MFA candidate in Creative ...
AgNPs with diameters below 100 nm can be dispersed with suitable capping agents in solvents and then inkjet-printed like colour ink [23]. If these capping agents are well-designed, they degrade over time at room temperature or slightly elevated temperature and the thin-film is conductive without...
Figure 1. MMaappooff NNaabbaannhhee RReesseerrvvee ffeeaatuturriningg ffuunncctitoionnaall zzoonneess ffrroomm tthhee MMaann anndd Biospherre Programme and a digital elevation model in a 30 ×× 3300mmrreessoolluuttiioonn ((AASSTTEERR DDiiggiittaall Elevattiioonn Model ("astergtmm22...
afturusbo-f breurbfboerrefsotsrewstisthwiniththine tshaemspamlinpglinargear;e(ac;)(tch)ethdeiadmiaemteerteart abtrberaesatshtehiegihgth(tD(DBHBH) )mmeaesausureremmeennttininfifeieldld ssuurrvveeyy;;aanndd((dd))RRGGBBiimmaaggeerryyooffaassaammpplliinnggpplloottddeerriivveeddffrroommUU...
The radius of the carbon black nanoparticle is comparable with the size of the macromolecule. The measurement of such a small and complicated object with high sensitivity has been an experimental problem up to now. In the present study, we experimentally simulate the rubber "glassy" layer on a...
with process parameters: rotational speed 40 rpm, temperature 40–60 ◦C, mixing time 4 min, • dispersing fillers in plasticized natural rubber for 4 min in the same conditions, • introducing a weighed sulphur curing system for obtained mixtures on a two-roll mill at room temperature. ...
Mechanical Performances of the Composites with Different Resins Different from TDAE, the Tg of the four resins is higher than room temperature (25 ◦C) and they have higher moduli at room temperature due to their higher softening points, which cause major changes to the static and dynamic ...
Compared with this kind of fixed automatic tapping machine, a self-propelled rubber tapping robot is more intelligent and relies on less labor. Nevertheless, there is still room for research on these robots' navigation, control, and their recognition of rubber tapping trajectories. In the context ...