When sent packets get acked, tcp_clean_rtx_queue() gets called to clear those packets from the retransmission queue. A few useful variables in that function are: seq_rtt_us – uses first packet from ackd range ca_rtt_us – uses last packet from ackd range (mainly used for congestion c...
https://strugglingcoder.info/index.php/linux-kernel-tcp-smoothed-rtt-estimation/ Posted: February 18th, 2018 | Author: hiren | Filed under: Linux, networking, tcp | Tags: linux, networking, rtt, srtt, tcp | Comments Off on Linux kernel TCP smoothed-RTT estimation Recently I decided to look...
7、Descriptive statistics统计描述:用统计指标、统计图表等描述资料的数量特征及其分布规律。 8、Statistics inference统计推断:指用样本信息推断总体特征的统计学问题,包括参数估计parameter estimation和假设检验hypothesis test两部分内容。 9、Homogeneity同质:同一总体中个体的性质,影响条件或背景相同或非常相近。个体的同质...
* * The algorithm for RTT estimation w/o timestamps is based on * Dynamic Right-Sizing (DRS) by Wu Feng and Mike Fisk of LANL. * <http://public.lanl.gov/radiant/pubs.html#DRS> * * More detail on this code can be found at * <http://staff.psc.edu/jheffner/>, * though this...
SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR MULTIPLE ROUND TRIP TIME (RTT) ESTIMATION IN WIRELESS NETWORKSDisclosed are techniques for determining round-trip times (RTTs) between a user equipment (UE) and multiple base stations. In an aspect, the UE transmits an RTT measurement signal whose arrival time is ...
Keywords:RTTestimation;sampledflowdata;networkmeasurement;networkmanagement;stochasticprocess 往返时延(round—triptime,简称RTT)是刻画网络性能的一项重要指标,传统的RTT可以被定义为一个报文 发送时戳与收到这个报文对应的应答报文时戳的间隔.一个RTT的值,是对特定的两个IP地址之间的传输性能 ...
Keywords:layeredmuhicast;congestioncontrol;roundtriptime(RTr);estimationalgorithm 1 引 言 异构性是Intemet的固有特征,接入网络的多样 性以及端系统处理能力的差异是这种异构性存在的 根源,并且随着Internet规模的不断扩大,异构性问 题将更加突出。多播的提出为异构网络环境部署多 ...
This document specifies an update to the round trip time (RTT)estimation algorithm used for TFRC (TCP Friendly Rate Control)congestion control by the Datagram Congestion Control Protocol (DCCP).It updates specifications for the CCID-3 and CCID-4 Congestion ControlIDs of DCCP. The update addresses...
本专利申请要求于2017年12月19日提交的题为“roundtriptime(rtt)estimationprocedures(往返时间(rtt)估计规程)”的美国临时申请no.62/607,899的权益,该临时申请已被转让给本申请受让人并通过援引全部明确纳入于此。 公开背景 1.公开领域 本公开的各方面一般涉及电信,并且尤其涉及无线网络中的往返时间(rtt)估计规程。
例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. First, aroused by the self-similarity of RTT, we propose an algorithm of round-trip time (RTT) estimation based on adaptive filtering. 首先,针对网络回路往返时延(RTT)的自相似性,提出基于自适应滤波的RTT预测算法; www.boshuo.net©...