How to calculate or measure RTT RTT calculation The best way to calculate RTT is to understand that when a user loads a web page in a browser, they must first send out a request to load the page. This requires at least one RTT to get the response to the user. RTT is a complex met...
How to calculate or measure RTT RTT calculation The best way to calculate RTT is to understand that when a user loads a web page in a browser, they must first send out a request to load the page. This requires at least one RTT to get the response to the user. RTT is a complex met...
how to calculate/monitor the error rate (in minutes or hours), using HTTP response codes kingsizebk Path Finder 02-22-2013 07:07 AM I have the below working search that calculates and monitors a web site's performance (using the average and standard deviation of the ...
This service will also calculate the uptime for your servers. Server uptime is usually a number from 99% to 99.999%, which indicates the percentage of time your server is up. But unless you know how this number is calculated, it is hard to know exactly what it means to your business. ...
If the RTT is high (over 100 ms) or fluctuates significantly, you may have latency issues that require further investigation. Repeat the test several times over a period of minutes or hours with multiple sites and devices to get a more accurate picture of network latency over time. Here is...
RWIN settings in Ubuntu are separate from MTU settings. Calculate the Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP) for yourInternet connectionwith this formula: (Total maximum bandwidth your Internet connection should supply in Bytes per Second)(RTT in Seconds) = BDP ...
If we calculate all the delays on the way (using some not-too-unreasonable assumptions mentioned on Fig VII.2), we can see that for RTT=100ms overall delay reaches really annoying 350-400ms (as always, YMMV). As “normal” latency tolerances (as discussed above) are within 150-300ms,...
Calculate the network collisions rate by dividing the number of collision counts (Collis) by the number of out packets (Opkts). In the previous example, the collision rate is 11 percent. A network-wide collision rate that is greater than 5 to 10 percent can indicate a problem. ...
tracerouteis a command used in network troubleshooting for mapping the path packets travel through the network. The tool aids in the discovery of possible routes of information from source to destination. Additionally, the command also helps calculate the transfer times between points. ...
able to communicate with internet resources, let's say, 200 ms away, the policer burst size must be equal or greater than the amount of data, transferred at the desired rate in 200 ms. If we want to limit the customer's bandwidth to 1 Gbps we should calculate the burst-size as ...