sdrpp_rtlsdr_source SDRPP_RTLSDR是一种新型的RTLSDR(实时低延迟声源)源,它基于开源的SDR技术,具有更高的采样率和更低的延迟。与传统的DAB/RTLSDR源相比,SDRPP_RTLSDR具有以下特点: 1. 高采样率:SDRPP_RTLSDR支持高达48kHz的采样率,远高于传统DAB/RTLSDR源的32kHz或64kHz采样率。这使得SDRPP_RTLSDR能够...
然后改个文件名,不妨就叫crash-cheat.js吧,你们可以随意! 然后把文件放到 source 文件夹的 js ...
为了支持RTL-SDR等通用软件无线电外设,OsmoSDR(一个软件无线电开发社区)开发了gr-osmosdr插件,使GNU Radio支持RTL-SDR。编译安装插件gr-osmosdr后在GRC中有与RTL-SDR对应的信号源模块Osmocom source和RTL-SDR source,它们使得RTL-SDR在GRC中可以用作信号接收的信号源,将无线电信号接收送入GNU Radio处理。但是需要注意...
New rtl-sdr source for sdr++ which implements manual controls for r820/r820t2/r828d tuners. Features Harmonic reception (allows reception up to 6GHz) Dithering 3 Stage gain control 4 Filter controls Needed Hardware rtl-sdr with a r820/r820t2/r828d tuner (yes rtl-sdr v4 also supported) ... 接到湖南科学技术出版社编辑的邀约,很快就收到他寄来的出版社新书 马克·拉伯伊著 蔡留琴 殷倩译 科学家传记系列: 《古列尔莫·马可尼传:联络世界的人》,五一小长假在家阅读,小时候偶像无线电之父马可尼的完整人生拼图在脑海中拼凑完整了:一生醉心于研究无线电的人,将无线电频谱投入实际...
如果安装了32位RTL-SDR软件,在C:\Program Files (x86)\SDR-RADIO-PRO.com处解压x32文件夹中的SDRSourceRTL2832U.dll rtlsdr.dll libusb-1.0.dll文件, 对于32位 x86 计算机,请解压x32文件夹中的SDRSourceRTL2832U.dll rtlsdr.dll libusb-1.0.dll文件到C:\Program Files\ (这里...
The source code is available on GitHub under the Apache 2.0 license. RTL-SDR running in an HTML5 web browser app Written by admin 7 Comments Posted in Applications, RTL-SDR Tagged with HTML5, rtl-sdr, rtl2832, rtl2832u, rtlsdr December...
For hardware, it works well with the RTL-SDR Blog V3 and V4 sticks (with support for direct sampling on the V3 and for the built-in upconverter on the V4), as well as other R820-based sticks. The source code is availableon GitHubunder the Apache 2.0 license. ...
gr-osmosdr:在加载“osmosdr_sink”“osmosdr_source”“rtlsdr_source”时崩溃 、 -- ###-- * OsmocomIQImbalance Correction-- *IQFile Source & Sink-- * RTLSDR TCP Client-- * RFSPACE Receivers -- * 浏览3提问于2016-05-24得票数0 回答已采纳 2回答 GRC的.bin到.cfile...
(1000,1000) states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [8, 8] rotation: 0 state: enabled blocks: - name: audio_decimation id: variable parameters: comment: '' value: '10' states: bus_sink: false bus_source: false bus_structure: null coordinate: [256,...