录制遥控信号的方式有很多,如电视棒+SDR-sharp录制wav音频格式数据、通过HackRF命令终端录制RAW格式数据,本文使用GNURadio+SDR硬件(rtl-sdr、HackRF、BladeRF等)来实现这一功能: 左侧RTL-SDR Source将使用SDR硬件接收315MHz无线信号,采样率为2M,右上WX GUI Waterfall sink将接收到的信号通过瀑布图在PC上显示捕获的无线...
After installation, open a terminal window and launch the GNU Radio Companion (unfortunately there is no icon in Applications folder for GNU Radio with the Radioconda installer): ~ % gnuradio-companion Connect to RTL-SDR Dongle As a sanity check before trying to connect to the RTL-SDR dongle...
介绍SDR的技术原理 以SDR LTE系统为例进一步解析SDR系统的工作流程 的SDR外设。RTLSDR具体使用方法参见http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/rtl-sdr和http://www.rtl-sdr.com/图6:RTLSDR设备四、SDR zhhx1985 2019-05-11 16:47:45 用GNURadio在AD9361上设计OFDM系统怎样加入AD9361的射频模块 您好!我用的...
GNSS-SDR, an open-source software-defined GNSS receiver c-plus-plussignal-processinggpsgalileosdrrtl-sdrglonassgnssgnuradiosoftware-defined-radiognss-sdr UpdatedFeb 8, 2025 C++ The RF and reverse engineering framework for everyone. Follow and ★ to show your support!
中文版的RTL-SDR入门指南,翻译自英文网站. Contribute to Knighthana/Chinese-RTL-SDR-QuickStart-Guide development by creating an account on GitHub.
基于RTL的Z波GNURadio伴生块 、、 我使用RTL-SDR通用dongle接收Z波协议的帧.我用的是真正的Z波装置。我使用的是替罪羊无线电,我还下载了EZ-Wave。NRZ这些是我的实际积木(现在根本无法收回任何东西):例如,我将解释我对用于接收RTL-SDR源变量r1_freq_offset = 800e3 Ch0:频率:中心_freq_3-R1_freq_偏移,所以...
Tutorial: Creating an FM Receiver in GNURADIO using an RTL-SDR source Over on instructables.com, userv3l0c1r4pt0rhas created an instructable that shows step by stepinstructions on how to create an FM receiver in GNU Radiousing an RTL-SDR and GNU Radio Companion. His instructable explains a...
GNU Radio是一款开源的软件工具集,专注于软件定义无线电(SDR)系统的设计和实现。该工具集支持多种SDR硬件平台,包括USRP、HackRF One和RTL-SDR等。用户可以通过GNU 2024-02-25 10:20:43 用GNURadio在AD9361上设计OFDM系统怎样加入AD9361的射频模块 您好!我用的设备是zc706+AD9361,请问怎样用GNURadio在AD9361上设计...
After installation, open a terminal window and launch the GNU Radio Companion (unfortunately there is no icon in Applications folder for GNU Radio with the Radioconda installer): ~ % gnuradio-companion Connect to RTL-SDR Dongle As a sanity check before trying to connect to the RTL-SDR dongle...
Be sure you install version 2 and not V1.5 as only V2 has RTL-SDR support. Once sdr-radio is installed, to get it working with the RTL-SDR you will need to compile or download three .dll files (SDRSourceRTL2832U.dll, rtlsdr.dll and libusb-1.0.dll) and place them into the sdr-...