1. 解释 esp32 rst:0x10 (rtcwdt_rtc_reset) 的含义和可能原因 rst:0x10 (rtcwdt_rtc_reset) 是ESP32启动日志中常见的复位原因表示。这里的 rst 表示复位(Reset),而 0x10 是复位原因的代码。rtcwdt_rtc_reset 指的是由实时时钟看门狗(RTC Watchdog Timer)触发的复位。 可能原因: 软件未按时喂狗:在设备长...
串口改为 的GPIO14/15后正常。 转:ESP32处于无限重启状态,串口消息rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x33 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)-CSDN博客
ESP32 重启 rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x33 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) flash read err, 1000 nodemcu ESP32 刷写 microopython 烧写的过程与ESP8266类似,同样使用了 flash_download_tools 工具进行烧写 烧写过程参照ESP8266烧写 烧写结束后 上电结果反复重启,打印如下 13:43:39.148 -> rst:0x3 (SW_...
I have developed a product that runs on the ESP32-S3 very well and is stable. However, when I attempted to save energy by replacing `delay()` with light sleep at the end of my `loop()`, the ESP32-S3 started rebooting, reporting an RTCWDT_RTC_RESET error. ...
I have developed a product that runs on the ESP32-S3 very well and is stable. However, when I attempted to save energy by replacing `delay()` with light sleep at the end of my `loop()`, the ESP32-S3 started rebooting, reporting an RTCWDT_RTC_RESET error. ...
I have developed a product that runs on the ESP32-S3 very well and is stable. However, when I attempted to save energy by replacing `delay()` with light sleep at the end of my `loop()`, the ESP32-S3 started rebooting, reporting an RTCWDT_RTC_RESET error. ...
Environment Development Kit: Kit version [custom board using ESP32C3-Mini module] Module or chip used: [ESP32C3-Mini] IDF version v4.4.1 Build System: [idf.py] Compiler version [] Operating System: [Linux] (Windows only) environment type...
I have developed a product that runs on the ESP32-S3 very well and is stable. However, when I attempted to save energy by replacing `delay()` with light sleep at the end of my `loop()`, the ESP32-S3 started rebooting, reporting an RTCWDT_RTC_RESET error. ...
1. **电源问题**:确保您的ESP32模块电源稳定,电压在3.3V左右。不稳定的电源可能导致模块无法正常...
I have developed a product that runs on the ESP32-S3 very well and is stable. However, when I attempted to save energy by replacing `delay()` with light sleep at the end of my `loop()`, the ESP32-S3 started rebooting, reporting an RTCWDT_RTC_RESET error. ...