RtcService.GetToken(roomId, userId, 3600 * 2, privilege).OnComplete(msg => { if (msg.IsError) { Log($"Get rtc token failed: code={msg.GetError().Code} message={msg.GetError().Message}"); return; } var token = msg.Data; Log($"Got RTC Token...
if (rtc_disable_check_msg) { defines += [ "RTC_DISABLE_CHECK_MSG" ] } if (rtc_enable_avx2) { defines += [ "WEBRTC_ENABLE_AVX2" ] } if (rtc_enable_win_wgc) { defines += [ "RTC_ENABLE_WIN_WGC" ] } # Some tests need to declare their own trace event handlers...
// Disable AU buffer allocation for the recorder, we allocate our own. // TODO(henrika): not sure that it actually saves resource to make this call. if(webRTCConfiguration.isMicrophoneMute) { RTCLog("@Disable AU buffer allocation for the recorder, we allocate our own."); UInt32flag=0;...
rtc_disable_check_msg = false # Set this to true to disable webrtc metrics. rtc_disable_metrics = false } declare_args() { # Enable the dcsctp backend for DataChannels and related unittests rtc_build_dcsctp = !build_with_mozilla && rtc_enable_sctp # Enable gRPC used for ...
if (rtc_disable_check_msg) { defines += [ "RTC_DISABLE_CHECK_MSG" ] } if (rtc_enable_avx2) { defines += [ "WEBRTC_ENABLE_AVX2" ] } if (rtc_enable_win_wgc) { defines += [ "RTC_ENABLE_WIN_WGC" ] } if (!rtc_use_perfetto) { # Some tests need to declare...
rtc::NetworkManager* network_manager = allocator_->network_manager();RTC_DCHECK(network_manager !=nullptr);if(network_manager->enumeration_permission() == rtc::NetworkManager::ENUMERATION_BLOCKED) {set_flags(flags() | PORTALLOCATOR_DISABLE_ADAPTER_ENUMERATION); ...
improved: disable cantryudpdirectep if server is on private ip but gateway is on public ip improved: quick config wizard: no public ip display; no warning if no domain and no ssl for webrtc gw improved: on rtp send on tcp/tls, check queue first (skip if too long) ...or set an ...
rtc_disable_check_msg = false # Set this to true to disable webrtc metrics. rtc_disable_metrics = false # Set this to true to exclude the transient suppressor in the audio processing # module from the build. rtc_exclude_transient_suppressor = false } declare_args() { # Enab...
c++// sdk/objc/native/src/audio/voice_processing_audio_unit.mmboolVoiceProcessingAudioUnit::Initialize(Float64 sample_rate){RTC_DCHECK_GE(state_,kUninitialized);RTCLog(@"Initializing audio unit with sample rate: %f",sample_rate);OSStatus result=noErr;AudioStreamBasicDescription format=GetFormat(...
void BasicPortAllocatorSession::DoAllocate(bool disable_equivalent) { RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(network_thread_); bool done_signal_needed = false; std::vector<const rtc::Network*> networks = GetNetworks(); if (networks.empty()) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Machine has no networks; no ports will...