我现在只有在设置时间后,添加reboot命令后,就可以保存时间。如果是驱动程序不对,那么添加reboot命令后怎么就能保存时间?并且从上面的打印信息也可以看到 rtc-rx8025 0-0032: setting system clock to 2016-01-10 19:13:23 UTC (1452453203) 如果rx8025不能保存时间,那断电后也就不会和我设置的时间吻合。我认为是...
但 reboot 之後,時間一樣 reset 到 2000年 1月1號。 我確認過 rtc_pwronrstn , pmic_power_en, rtc_kaldo_enn, rtc_pwronrstn 了,也用別的BSP驗證電池是有電的,硬體沒有問題,是軟體問題,請問我還可以去哪裡修改? 謝謝。以下為開機訊息。 [ 0.000000] Linux version 3.2.0-g4ea3cc5 (bernie@ubuntu) (...
int ret, err; alarmvals[0] = bin2bcd(alrm->time.tm_mon + 1); alarmvals[1] = bin2bcd(alrm->time.tm_mday); alarmvals[2] = bin2bcd(alrm->time.tm_hour); alarmvals[3] = bin2bcd(alrm->time.tm_min); alarmvals[4] = bin2bcd(alrm->time.tm_sec); /* Clear AF and AFE f...
我发现当我输入reboot后,等待10s以后断电重启就行。 既然8025能保存设置时间到系统时间(rtc-rx8025 0-0032: setting system clock to 2018-06-20 10:51:51 UTC ),怎么到候面又改变了系统时间?我的rtc只有一个,也没有接网络,以前的时间怎么保存的,保存在哪里?? 0 Kudos Reply 09-28-2020 05:29 PM...
但是reboot后发现时间又回到了2016,什么原因?dts文件配置不对?还是kerne需要其他配置? root@am335x-evm:~# date Wed Dec 14 23:15:40 UTC 2016 root@am335x-evm:~# hwclock -r Wed Dec 14 23:15:44 2016 0.000000 seconds root@am335x-evm:~# ...
You can pair device with go2rtc on the HomeKit page. If you can't see your devices - reload the page. Also try reboot your HomeKit device (power off). If you still can't see it - you have a problems with mDNS.If you see a device but it does not have a pair button - it ...
RTC_SetAlarmMask(RTC_ALARM_SEC_MASK | RTC_ALARM_MIN_MASK | RTC_ALARM_HOUR_MASK | RTC_ALARM_DAYOFMONTH_MASK | RTC_ALARM_MONTH_MASK | RTC_ALARM_YEAR_MASK); Q.2 now I have two different alarm times and dates my answer : set time and date set mask set alarm1 time and date set...
RTC_SetAlarmMask(RTC_ALARM_SEC_MASK | RTC_ALARM_MIN_MASK | RTC_ALARM_HOUR_MASK | RTC_ALARM_DAYOFMONTH_MASK | RTC_ALARM_MONTH_MASK | RTC_ALARM_YEAR_MASK); Q.2 now I have two different alarm times and dates my answer : set time and date set mask set alarm1 time and date set...
2 cat/sys/class/rtc/rtc0/date cat/sys/class/rtc/rtc0/name The first command returns the date, the second command the name of the chip which is ‘rtc-pcf2127a’. Using the clock In my current setup, the RasClock keeps time during reboot and when the Raspberry Pi is turned off. My...
#mount -F nfs -o sec=dhserver:resource mountpoint The-o sec=dhoption mounts the file system withAUTH_DHauthentication. PAM (Overview) The Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) framework lets you “plug in” new authentication technologies without changing system entry services such aslogin,ftp,te...