and load it using DICOM module. RTSTRUCT will be loaded as segmentation and you can show that in 3D and slice views.安装 SlicerRT 扩展,通过将整个文件夹拖放到slicer应用程序窗口将数据导入slicer,并使用 DICOM 模块加载它。RT
从RTStruct中提取特定的ROI并转换为mask。 """# 读取RTStruct文件ds=pydicom.read_file(rtstruct_path)roi_number=[roi.ROINumberforroiinds.StructureSetROISequenceifroi.ROIName==roi_name]# 是否有匹配roi_name的numberiflen(roi_number)<1:returnNone# 找出匹配roi的contoursequence,应该只有一个[0]contours=...
matlab读取RT Structure sets ,以及如何获取里面的图像,谢谢 发自小木虫Android客户端 ...
Deep learningDICOM RT structureMedical imagingDelineating organs for a long time may cause exhaustion to radiologist's eyes and mental health, it could lead to results that show different sizes of organs with therapeutic target volume. In this work, we expand on the idea of automatically ...
This paper presents an ITK implementation for exportingthe contours of the automated segmentation results toDICOM-RT Structure Set format. The âeurooeradiotherapystructure setâeuro (RTSTRUCT) object of the DICOM standard isused for the transfer of patient structures and relateddata, between th...
()Structure:HeartDVHType:cumulative,absdose:Gy,absvolume:cm3Volume:437.46cm3MaxDose:3.10GyMinDose:0.02GyMeanDose:0.64GyD100:0.00GyD98:0.03GyD95:0.03GyD2cc:2.93Gy# Calculate a DVH from DICOM RT datacalcdvh=dvhcalc.get_dvh("rtss.dcm","rtdose.dcm",5)>>>calcdvh.max,calcdvh.min,calcdvh....
Hi my code is simple, like below. It runs fine, but I see the FrameOfRefernceUID in the output file ( is difference from the FrameOfRefceUID of the reference CT dicom series. So, I cannot import the RS file to my application. ...
Hello Zahra, I have the same problem as Thomas, Please let me know how you solved the problem...
方法 使用Python 语言编程,对医学影像通信标准(Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine ,DICOM )放射治疗(Radiation Therapy ,RT )文件进行解析和数据处理,然后根据放疗计划中靶区和危及器官的相对位置关系和临床处方剂量要求设计剂量限制结构的勾画模块,并生成DICOM RT Structure Set 结构集文件。结果 自动...
directory structure are the same as for batch DICOM import. There is no need to manualy load 'tps_data.mat' files but they need to be present in patient directories. 'tps_data.mat' files can be easily calculated for all patients by doing batch DICOM import explained in the previous ...