DICOM File Format In addition to the image pixel data, the DICOM file contains other information such as patient identification information, study and series information of the image acquisition, etc. All this information is stored inside a DICOM file in the form of data sets. These data sets ...
DICOM File Format In addition to the image pixel data, the DICOM file contains other information such as patient identification information, study and series information of the image acquisition, etc. All this information is stored inside a DICOM file in the form of data sets. These data sets ...
16、于客户服务模式中的类的服务,类似于客户服务模式中的服务端服务端 服务类用户服务类用户(service class laser,SCU),它使,它使用用SOP类的服务,类似于客户服务模式中的客户类的服务,类似于客户服务模式中的客户端端SOP类与服务类类与服务类 的关系的关系服务类(服务类(Service Class SpecificationService Class ...
The DICOM file format also specifies the set of DICOM tags that are mandatory or optional for each kind of imaging modality (CT, MR, NM, CBCT, PET…). Such a specification is called a storage service-object pair (storage SOP). Mandatory tags are called “type 1”, mandatory tags that ...
The DICOM File Format is described by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) in PS 3.10 specification "Media Storage and File Format for Media Interchange", of theDICOM Standard. An illustration of the basic file structure can be seen below...
In addition to the set of tags defined by the DICOM specification there are also “Private” tags, which are defined by the manufacturer of the imaging device that produced the DICOM files. FME has two DICOM readers. Each reader has a different strategy for associating DICOM files: ...
files for offline storage on a picture archiving system, CD, or other type of storage device. DICOM-formatted messages combine images and metadata to create a rich description of a medical imaging procedure. This format is extremely detailed, with a specification that is more than 2,500 pages ...
http://medical.nema.org./dicom.html[2] .Within the innards of the standard are also contained a detailed specification of the file format for images. The latest version of the document is as of 2008[3]. In this article present a viewer for DICOM images DICOM Image File Format This...
(service class laser,SCU),它使用SOP类的服务,类似于客户/服务模式中的客户端 SOP类与服务类 的关系 服务类(Service Class Specification) 服务对象对(SOP Class)类 消息服务元素 或媒体存储服务 指定 定义 信息对象定义(IOD) 服务组(Servies Group) 属性(Attributes) 操作 包含 属于 图4.3 DICOM信息模型结构 P...
e.SpecificationoftheSOPClassesandassociatedIODssupportedandtheTransferSyntaxesto beused f.TheselectionofMediaFormatandPhysicalMediatobeused g.IftheDirectoryInformationModuleisused,thedescriptionoftheminimumsubsetofthe InformationModelrequired h.Otherparametersthatneedtobespecifiedtoensureinteroperablemediainterchange i.Se...