;*This module performs: ;* -Set the initial SP ;* - Set the initial PC ==Reset_Handler ;* -Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address ;* -Configure the clock system ;* - Branches to __maininthe C library (which eventually ;*calls main()). ;* After Reset the ...
set tick HZ as 1000 by default enhanced rt_kprintf to support "long long" type use RT_KSERVICE_USING_STDLIB_MEMXXX to replace RT_KSERVICE_USING_STDLIB_MEMCP/MEMSET RT_KSERVICE_USING_STDLIB is open by default ipc Add descriptions for rt_mq_recv and rt_sem_take timeout parameters fix ...
后来跟群内大佬讨论了下,MCU最大支持25M HZ,于是在配置SPI的时候选择25M HZ,这下正常了。 SPI Mode: The SPI mode supports full Motorola SPI, TI Secure Simple Pairing (SSP) (essentially adds a start pulse that is used to synchronize SPI Codecs), and National Microwire (half-duplex form of SPI...
Set media description before upload feature Update privacy of all attached media on update of activity privacy Update BuddyPress activity query filter for activity privacy 3.10 [Dec 22, 2015] Added update BuddyPress activity privacy feature Added BuddyPress activity for media likes and comments feature ...
Every 20 /50 ms (this time can be set according to the baud rate and hardware, here is just a reference value) reads data from the hardware interface and stores it in the buffer and updates the offset until it cannot be read or the buffer is full. , exit reading. ...
syswatch_set_event_hook提供用户安装事件回调函数,以便针对重要事件发生时进行一些必要处理,如系统复位前须对重要数据进行保存时,可设置回调函数完成相应处理,如不需要可不设置。 4.测试验证 组件安装后,为了验证其功能是否正常,组件提供了测试例程,可通过shell命令syswatch_test创建异常模拟线程。syswatch_test命令参数有...
As you've seen previously in this topic, a C++/WinRT runtime class exists in the form of more than one C++ class in more than one namespace. So, the name MyRuntimeClass has one meaning in the winrt::MyProject namespace, and a different meaning in the winrt::MyProject::...
Phase-shifted full-bridge converters It also supports classic buck and boost converters and 3-phase inverters with switching frequencies up to 1 MHz. Scalability Multiple RT Boxes, connected via multi-gigabit optical links, can form a scalable HIL simulation cluster. This enables distributed synchronou...
it is working now. I have set up thesystem from scratch againsince I havebeen working on other things in the meantime. I don't know what went wrong the last time, but it is working now. Thank you for your effort . Regards lorv 1 Kudo Reply 06-05-202302:12 AM 3,...
Full 24-bit color No Dithering Visible 256 Intensity Levels Many Android Tablets and Smartphones still have some form of16-bit color depth in the Gallery Photo Viewer Galaxy Tab 10.1 Surface RT new iPad 3 Overall Assessments This section summarizes the results of all of the extensive Lab measur...