Phase-shifted full-bridge converters It also supports classic buck and boost converters and 3-phase inverters with switching frequencies up to 1 MHz. Scalability Multiple RT Boxes, connected via multi-gigabit optical links, can form a scalable HIL simulation cluster. This enables distributed synchron...
(result != CYHAL_SPI_RSLT_CLOCK_ERROR) assertion failed at function:ifx_spi_init, line number:93 后来跟群内大佬讨论了下,MCU最大支持25M HZ,于是在配置SPI的时候选择25M HZ,这下正常了。 SPI Mode: The SPI mode supports full Motorola SPI, TI Secure Simple Pairing (SSP) (essentially adds a ...
Legal basis is either the performing of a contract obligation or our legitimate interest in providing a contact form (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR or Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR). If you are interested in detailed information on the balancing of your and our interests, please refer to the addresses in s...
该项目为逐飞科技基于恩智浦“IMXRT1064_SDK”制作的IMXRT1064高性能MCU(以下简称RT1064)开源库。简化了部分SDK库函数功能的使用步骤,便于使用RT1064参加竞赛以及进行产品开发。 该开源库的优势 外置SDRAM加速: 该开源库将用户代码+中断函数+中断向量表在上电后自动加载到外置SDRAM。相较于官方库,可以实现更加迅速的...
Every 20 /50 ms (this time can be set according to the baud rate and hardware, here is just a reference value) reads data from the hardware interface and stores it in the buffer and updates the offset until it cannot be read or the buffer is full. , exit reading. ...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 1. Scree plot. The six components were further analysed, and themes for each component were identified. The corresponding themes and items, including the loading of the items, are presented in Table 2. A reliability analysis was performed, and it resulte...
不过,需要注意的是,RT-DETR需要使用ImageNet-1K(IN1K)预训练权重来初始化主干网络,可能暂时不能很好地支持train from scratch策略,但使用预训练权重的好处还是很多的,至少对于DETR系列,预训练权重可以大大加快收敛速度,而train from scratch策略则太耗费时间了。虽然RT-DETR只需要训练72 epoch,但这个72 epoch的实际耗...
connection (Added in7.29.0) num_connects Number ofnewconnects made in the recent trans- fer. (Added in7.12.3) num_redirects Number of redirects that were followed in the request. (Added in7.12.3) proxy_ssl_verify_result The result of the HTTPS proxy's SSL peer certifi- ...
Full 24-bit color No Dithering Visible 256 Intensity Levels Full 24-bit color No Dithering Visible 256 Intensity Levels Many Android Tablets and Smartphones still have some form of16-bit color depth in the Gallery Photo Viewer Galaxy Tab 10.1 ...
Here's the full sequence of events. Inmain, an instance ofMyClassis created (myclass_instance). Theasyncobject is created, pointing (via itsthis) tomyclass_instance. Thewinrt::Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction::getfunction hits its first suspension point, blocks for a few seconds, and then...