RT-PCR Determine which RT-PCR procedure to use In performing RT-PCR, one-step and two-step methods are the two common approaches, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. One-step RT-PCR combines first-strand cDNA synthesis (RT) and subsequent PCR in a single ...
ProcedureQuantiNova SYBR Green RT-PCR Kit使您不需要对反应条件进行优化,省去了大量麻烦,节省了时间。只需将引物、RNA模板和逆转录混合物加入即用型SYBR Green RT-PCR预混液,反应即可开始。根据QuantiNova SYBR Green RT-PCR Kit说明书内的实验方案操作,即可在任意一台real-time PCR仪上迅速获得可靠的结果。Appl...
目的 评估一种新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)多重荧光RT-PCR核酸检测试剂性能。方法 根据CNAS-GL039《分子诊断检验程序性能验证指南》要求并结合试剂说明书,对试剂精密度、最低检出限、阴阳性符合率及抗干扰能力4个性能指标进行验证及评估。 结果 批内精密度试验中,SARS-CoV-2高值样本(1.00E+05copies/ml)N基因和0RF...
Specific RT-PCR procedure for the detection of human parechovirus type 1 genome in clinical samples. J Virol Methods 2002; 102:157-160.Legay V,Chomel J J,Lina B.Specific RT-PCR procedure for the detection of human parechovirus type 1 genome in clinical samples. Journal of Virological ...
能检出的SV cDNA最低浓度是96.8 ng/mL;用该方法检测60份灰仓鼠,SV的感染率为3.33%(2/60).结论 建立的SV RT-PCR方法可用于实验类啮齿动物动物SV 的常规检测,自然条件下灰仓鼠感染SV的问题不容忽视.%Objective To establish a RT-PCR detection method for Sendai virus and to investigate the infection ...
关键词:猪传染性胃肠炎病毒;猪流行性腹泻病毒;猪轮状病毒;T a q M a n荧光定量P C R Establishment and application of multiplex RT-PCR procedure for detection of three virus from swine XU Meng-yil 3,WANG Yan-hong1'2* ,XUE Feng4* (1. College of Veterinary Medicine,Yangzhou University,...
草鱼呼肠孤病毒RT-PCR检测方法的建立及临床应用 摘要 著录项 |2012年第2期 江苏省淡水水产研究所; 江苏南京210017; 江苏省淡水水产研究所; 江苏南京210017; 国家大宗淡水鱼类产业技术体系南京综合试验站; 江苏南京210017; 江苏省淡水水产研究所; 江苏南京210017;...
Define "primer self-complementarity" and explain what is the phenomena of primer loop and primer dimer in PCR. Why do you send the sample to the centrifuge twice during the purification PCR procedure? How does vertical gel electrophoresis differ from horizontal gel electrophoresis? What i...
Specificity of RT-PCR can be improved by using gene specific primers for RT. It is good to include anegative controlreaction in the experiment. This is set up like the test reaction, except that RT enzyme is not added to it. Absence of PCR products when using the control reaction as te...
一步法RTPCR SuperScript® III One-Step RT-PCR System with Platinum®Taq DNA Polymerase Catalog. No. Size Store at −30°C to −10°C 12574-018 25 reactions 12574-026 100 reactions Publication Part number 12574.pps MAN0001094 Rev. Date 18 November 2011 Description The SuperScript® ...