and transfected genes of either stable or transient transfection. It is the most sensitive method as yet in quantitative analysis of mRNA.>Principle:>PCR amplification follows the formula:
Inprinciple,theFastStartUniversalSYBRGreenMaster(ROX)canbe usedfortheamplificationanddetectionofanyDNAorcDNAtarget, includingthosethatareGC-richorGC-poor.However,youwould needtoadaptyourdetectionprotocoltothereactionconditionsofthe particularreal-timePCRinstrumentinuseanddesignaspecific ...
2. 可以在较短时间内高效合成Real Time PCR用cDNA,是进行2 Step Real Time RT-PCR反应的理想试剂。3. 使用了Random 6 mers和Oligo dT Primer 2种反转录引物,可以合成适合Real Time PCR用cDNA。 4. Real-time RT PCR定量需要建立标准曲线,建立标准曲线的条件就是需要将总RNA和反转录cDNA稀释到较低的浓度。
PrincipleQuantiNova SYBR Green RT-PCR Kit包含经优化的即用型预混液,可通过SYBR Green I荧光染料进行高度特异、灵敏的实时定量检测RNA靶标。该试剂盒包含一种*的K+和NH4+离子平衡PCR缓冲液,可以提高引物退火特异性,实现检测的高特异性和高灵敏度。此外,HotStaRT-Script合成cDNA可兼容的模板量范围极广,同时,Quanti...
In-house HIV-1 RNA real-time RT-PCR assays: principle, available tests and usefulness in developing countries. Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2008;8(5):635-50.Rouet F.Menan H,Vi~oen J,et a1.In--house HIV-1 RNA real- time RT.PCR assays:principle,available tests and usefulness in developing...
Principle of one-step RT-qPCR Takara Bio's One Step PrimeScript III RT-qPCR Kit allows cDNA synthesis from RNA using PrimeScript Reverse Transcriptase, followed by PCR amplification with Takara Ex Taq Hot Start Version in a single, uninterrupted procedure. PCR amplification products are detected ...
The principle of the one-step real time RT-PCR is illustrated in Fig. 1. The whole detection procedure requires four primers: RP1, RP2, P1 and P2. RP1 contains the P1 and a 11-base sequence that is complimentary to the 3′-end of target sncRNA. RP2 contains P2 and a 11-base se...
Principle: PCR amplification follows the formula: A = B(1+e)n A=amplified products, B=input templates, n=cycle number, and e=amplification efficiency. Factors affecting amplification efficiency in the RT-PCR process include the efficiency of reverse transcription, Mg2+/ dNTPs/ primer concentrations...
Such a principle was employed by Moharam et al., 2019 who succeeded in detecting virulent APMV-1 in vaccinated flocks farmed in Egypt under low biosecurity standards, through the application of assays targeting genotype VII-b and LaSota clone 30. During the validation process, the reproducibility...
Reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) is a well-established method for analysing gene expression. Most RT-qPCR experiments in the field of microbiology aim for the detection of transcriptional changes by relative quantification, which means the comparison of the expression level of...