可以通过df /home/backup2010 来查看可用空间和已用空间 问题5:网络收集问题1、权限问题 类似如下的提示:rsync: opendir “/kexue” (in dtsChannel) failed: Permission denied (13)注意查看同步的目录权限是否为755 2、time out rsync: failed to connect to Connection timed out (110) rsync...
客户端的错误现象:[root@NFS01 tmp]# rsync -avz /etc/hosts rsync_backup@ incremental file listhostsrsync: mkstemp ".hosts.5z3AOA" (in backup) failed: Permission denied (13)sent 196 bytes received 27 bytes 63.71 bytes/sectotal size is 349 speedup is 1.57rs...
I 提示rsync:mkstempfailed:Permissiondenied的解决 错误提醒: [root@test181~]rsync-azvbb.tarrsync_backup@ --password-file=/etc/rsync.password sendingincrementalfilelist bb.tar rsync:mkstemp/.bb.tar.CXMF7s(inggp)failed:Permissiondenied(13) 解决: /etc/rsyncd.conf配置模板: [root@test...
rsync是一种用于文件同步和备份的工具,它可以在本地或远程系统之间同步文件和目录。当使用rsync进行文件同步时,可能会遇到目标权限未正确应用的问题。 目标权限未正确应用是指在使用rsync同步文件时,目标系统的文件权限没有正确地应用到目标文件上。这可能会导致目标文件的权限与源文件不一致,从而影响文件的访问和...
Linux passwd: 拒绝权限(Permission denied) 原因1:/usr/bin/passwd 权限异常 正常情况下的权限: ls -l /usr/bin/passwd -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 34392 2009 5.9K30 服务器要删除文件访问被拒绝,删除文件提示:文件夹访问被拒绝 需要来自administrator权限执行操作… 有时候我们在删除一些系统重要文件,或者被保护...
[root@nfs01 tmp]# rsync -avz /etc/hosts rsync_backup@ Password: sending incremental file list hosts rsync: mkstemp ".hosts.5z3AOA" (in backup) failed: Permission denied (13) sent 196 bytes received 27 bytes 63.71 bytes/sec ...
5 Permission denied [root@nfs01 tmp]# rsync -avz /etc/hostsrsync_backup@ Password: sending incremental file list hosts rsync: mkstemp “.hosts.5z3AOA” (in backup) failed: Permission denied (13) sent 196 bytes received 27 bytes 63.71 bytes/sec ...
rsync:mkstemp failed:Permission denied 问题: [root@test181 ~]# rsync -azv bb.tar rsync_backup@ --password-file=/etc/rsync.passwordsending incrementalfilelist bb.tar rsync: mkstemp"/.bb.tar.CXMF7s"(in ggp)failed: Permission denied(13)sent227bytes received27bytes...
root@localhost1 ~]# rsync -avzP -e "ssh -p 22" root@ ~ root...
[root@localhost 20170807]# /usr/bin/rsync -avH --port=873 --progress ppwxtbuser@ /data/backup/ --password-file=/tmp/passwdwx.txt receiving incremental file list rsync: send_files failed to open "root" (in ppwxweb): Permission denied (13) ...