当你遇到 rsync permission denied, please try again 错误时,这通常表明 rsync 在尝试访问源文件、目标文件或执行某些操作时遇到了权限问题。以下是一些可能的解决步骤,帮助你解决这个问题: 检查rsync命令的语法和参数: 确保你的 rsync 命令语法正确,并且所有必要的参数都已正确设置。例如,如果你正在尝试同步远程服务器...
但执行报错 Permission denied 2. 问题复现 A主机为 B主机为 C主机为 (已启动rsync服务器端,用户为test) ~]# ssh "rsync 1.sh yuhui@" Permission denied, please try again. Permission denied, please try again...
在使用 rsync 同步的时候出现如下错误(示例): rsync: opendir"/data/javaprefs/.java/.userPrefs"(in nexus3) failed: Permission denied (13) rsync: send_files failed to open"/data/tmp/c4c97e7a-sysout-over-slf4j-1.0.2.jar"(in nexus3): Permission denied (13) rsync error: some files/attrs ...
uid = nobody gid = nogroup use chroot = no max connections = 10 strict modes = yes log file=/var/log/rsyncd.log # for pid file, do not use /var/run/rsync.pid if # you are going to run rsync out of the init.d script. # pid file=/var/run/rsyncd.pid #syslog facility=daemon...
Permission denied, please try again. root@'s password: receiving incremental file list root/ root/testdir/ root/testdir/file1 root/testdir/file2 root/testdir/file3 root/testdir/file4 root/testdir/file5 sent 114 bytes received 315 bytes 15.05 bytes/sec ...
/Downloads Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic). rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender] rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(605) [sender=3.0.9] [sender] _exit_cleanup(code=12, file=io.c, line=605): about to ...
检查了服务器的同步的目录权限都没有问题,网上找了说是开启了SELinux 的enforce模式,于事 [root@test01 etc]# getenforce Enforcing 果然是enforce模式,然后 [root@test01 etc]# setenforce 0 关闭enforce模式 [root@test01 etc]# getenforce Permissive
(1) rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/assets" (in xxx.xxx.com) failed: Permission denied (13) *** Skipping any contents from this failed directory *** rsync: recv_generator: mkdir "/commands" (in xxx.xxx.com) failed: Permission denied ...
Describe the problem I have a folder named original and a docker-compose file. I'm trying to use that original map on the server, but when I'm trying to start it it fails due to Permission denied (13) Files root@vmi621916:/server/minecra...