出现rsync: failed to set times on “xxxx”: Operation not permitted的原因大致是对文件夹(或文件)xxxx没有操作权限。如果执行同步的用户是root,是不会有这样的问题,但是rsync也可以不使用root用户来进行同步,不使用root用户的情况下,即使使用了-o,-g,同步到目的文件夹的文件用户和组都变成了同步使用的用户,但...
第一种方法: 出现rsync: failed to set times on “xxxx”: Operation not permitted的原因大致是对文件夹(或文件)xxxx没有操作权限。如果执行同步的用户是root,是不会有这样的问题,但是rsync也可以不使用root用户来进行同步,不使用root用户的情况下,即使使用了-o,-g,同步到目的文件夹的文件用户和组都变成了同步...
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1178) [sender=3.1.2] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 如果从客户端向服务端推送目录和文件也报错rsync: chgrp “.backup.sh.RwFAWn” (in backup) failed: Operation not permitted (1)。但文件传过...
rsync -avP --temp-dir=/home/***/data -e "ssh -p ***" ***:/workspace/data/data.tar.gz data.tar.gz 其中/home/***/data为当前用户目录下,需为绝对路径
rsync: mkstemp "/abc/def.txt.dm1u5x" failed: Operation not permitted (1) 说说我的情况,我的 /abc 目录是一个独立的 mount point,只有200M大小,空的;而需要备份的源文件共190M左右。在同步文件时,我使用的命令是: rsync -av --progress /src/ /abc/ ...
rsync: chgrp "/.hosts.NBCxBB" (in test) failed: Operation not permitted (1) sent 85 bytes received 133 bytes 436.00 bytes/sec total size is 257 speedup is 1.18 rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1178) [sender=3.1.2] 解决方...
简介: [rsync报错:rsync: chgrp “.initial-setup-ks.cfg.jaXlVz” (in backup) failed: Operation not permitted (1)]问题背景:在配置好rsync服务和客户端后,客户端从服务端拉取是正常的,但从客户端推送到服务端报错。a,单独推送目录会报这个错误rsync: recv_generator: mkdir “opt” (in backup) failed:...
rsync: opendir "/Users/Myname/.Trash" failed: Operation not permitted (1) rsync: opendir "/Users/Myname/Documents" failed: Operation not permitted (1) rsync: opendir "/Users/Myname/Downloads" failed: Operation not permitted (1) ...I granted Full Disk Access to both /usr/bin/rsync and...
rsyncOperation not permitted (1)#1554 muammaropened this issueSep 1, 2021· 2 comments muammarcommentedSep 1, 2021 First, thank you very much for this tool. It is fantastic. I was trying to usersyncto copy some files from my remote server to an iCloud directory, and I get these errors...
rsync: mkstemp "/mnt/Waller2/WallerNAS2/Media/.Nord.pdf.muk" failed: Operation not permitted (1) I egt a similar error message for each file it tries. I have also tried using rsync directly from a bash shell, logged in as root, using the simple command: rsync -av