需要指定目前账户有权限的tmpdir,原本的命令为 rsync -avP -e "ssh -p ***" ***:/workspace/data/data.tar.gz data.tar.gz 修改后为 rsync -avP --temp-dir=/home/***/data -e "ssh -p ***" ***:/workspace/data/data.tar.gz data.tar.gz 其中/home/***/data为当前用户目录下,需为绝对...
rsync: mkstemp ... failed: Operation not permitted 今天在整理文件时遇到了下面的错误: rsync: mkstemp "/abc/def.txt.dm1u5x" failed: Operation not permitted (1) 说说我的情况,我的 /abc 目录是一个独立的 mount point,只有200M大小,空的;而需要备份的源文件共190M左右。在同步文件时,我使用的命令...
rsync: mkstemp "/mnt/Waller2/WallerNAS2/Media/.Nord.pdf.muk" failed: Operation not permitted (1) I egt a similar error message for each file it tries. I have also tried using rsync directly from a bash shell, logged in as root, using the simple command: rsync -av
rsync: failed to set times on "/server/.": Operation not permitted (1) ./ mkml-fufu.txt rsync: mkstemp "/server/.mkml-fufu.txt.N7vc5L" failed: Permission denied (13) sent 111 bytes received 195 bytes 87.43 bytes/sec total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 rsync error: some files/attrs ...
rsync: failed to set times on "." (in backup): Operation not permitted (1) stu1 stu10 stu2 stu3 stu4 stu5 stu6 stu7 stu8 stu9 rsync: mkstemp ".stu1.oraZ3Y" (in backup) failed: Permission denied (13) rsync: mkstemp ".stu10.n1jKm7" (in backup) failed: Permission denied (13...
rsync: failed to set times on "." (in backup): Operation not permitted (1) stu1 stu10 stu2 stu3 stu4 stu5 stu6 stu7 stu8 stu9 rsync: mkstemp ".stu1.oraZ3Y" (in backup) failed: Permission denied (13) rsync: mkstemp ".stu10.n1jKm7" (in backup) failed: Permission denied (13...
xxx.xxx.com) failed: Permission denied (13) rsync: mkstemp "/.yii.bat.VF4d1D" (in xxx.xxx.com) failed: Permission denied (13) çrsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/rsync/rsync-52.200.1/rsync/main.c(996)...
rsync: failed to set times on "." (in backup): Operation not permitted (1) file file001 file002 ... ... file097 file098 file099 file100 rsync: mkstemp ".file.zomEYF" (in backup) failed: Permission denied (13) rsync: mkstemp ".file001.QEjeC1" (in backup) failed: Permission deni...
rsync: mkstemp ".stu2.epUBi9" (in backup)failed: Permission denied (13) sent 741 bytes received 186 bytes 618.00bytes/sec total size is 1952 speedup is 2.11 rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred(see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1039) [sender=3.0.6] ...
Operation not permitted (1) *** Skipping everything below this failed directory *** rsync: mkstemp "/Users/mrousavy/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ReactNitro-dwvihbiksvgfhxfimsxrdxenmhwm/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ReactNitro.app/Frameworks/NitroModules.framework/.Info.plist.7G1PWK"...