The cost information is still available in books but is also accessible via CD and a dynamic estimating software. 在美国建筑行业,RSMeans数据几乎与成本造价是同义词。它已经有几十年历史了。创始人Robert Snow Means是一名土木工程师,他在他的厨房餐桌上制作的一系列皮革书籍中列入了非常细致的建筑成本数据...
RSMeans Plumbing Estimating Methods 作者 Joseph J. Galeno著Sheldon T. Greene著 出版社 RSMeans 出版时间 2003年12月 第3版 ISBN 9780876297049 定价 610.10 内容简介 Nowinitsthirdedition,thisestimatingguideofferscomprehensivecoverageofallaspectsofplumbing:Residential,commercial,industrial,andmedicalsystems...
Construction Book Express is a leading distributor of all the latest RS Means construction estimating, construction cost data, and electrical cost data books and software. 2024 Gordian CPG Residential Repair & Remodeling Costs with RSMeans Data -$155.95 ... 相似文献 引证文献Rsmeans Heavy Construction Cost Data 2014 This publication provides heavy construction cost data to be used in preparing estimates. For the casual user the book is designed to be: quickly and easil... RE Department,RSM Company - 《Publica...
RSMeans Data Online A great investment!PROS Great for quickly estimating larger budgets. RSMeans Cost Data is second to none. I find it is extremely accurate. Great tool for developers, project managers and estimators. CONS It is expensive. But I have found it is well worth the money. Ti...
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In high-performance mode, as soon as the principal server sends a log record to the mirror server, the principal server sends a confirmation to the client. It does not wait for an acknowledgment from the mirror server. This means that transactions commit without waiting for the mirror server ...
Azure Cosmos DB saves documents in JSON. Which means it is necessary to carefully determine whether it is necessary to convert numbers into strings before storing them in json or not. All numbers should ideally be converted into aString, if there is any chance that they are outside the bounda...
5.4.4 RS-485 Driver Enable Control Line By default, the RS-485 driver enable control line is low, which means that the RS-485 receiver is enabled and the driver is disabled. To send data onto the RS-485 network, the driver needs to be enabled (by setting the driver enable control ...