针对你提出的“rqt_image_view: command not found”问题,我将按照提供的提示分点进行回答: 确认rqt_image_view是否已经安装: 在终端中输入以下命令来检查rqt_image_view是否已安装: bash rospack find rqt_image_view 如果此命令返回了rqt_image_view包的路径,则说明已安装;如果返回“package not found”,则说...
I use one terminal to enter "roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch" command, and then another terminal to enter "rqt_image_view" command, but the expected results are not displayed. Before I enter the rqt_image_view command, the first terminal only shows the information up to malloc...