test 1 (tĕst) n. 1. A procedure for critical evaluation; a means of determining the presence, quality, or truth of something; a trial: a test of one's eyesight; subjecting a hypothesis to a test; a test of an athlete's endurance. 2. A series of questions, problems, or physical...
Definition of RPR test Medical Editor:Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD homemedical dictionary RPR test:Rapid plasma reagin, a blood test forsyphilisthat looks for an antibody that is present in the bloodstream when a patient has syphilis. A negative (nonreactive) RPR is compatible with a person ...
Dilute to an endpoint titer all serum specimens with rough nonreactive results in the qualitative test. Test each specimen undiluted (1:1), and in 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, and 1:16 dilutions. Place 50 µl of 0.9% saline in circles numbered 2 through 5. Do not spread the saline. Using ...
What do my RPR test results mean? An RPR test result can be eitherreactiveornonreactive,depending on if antibodies were detected. AnonreactiveRPR result means there were no antibodies to syphilis found in the blood sample. If you have been confirmed as nonreactive and you or your doctor still...
What will the test results say? There are two possible outcomes: positive (reactive) or negative (non-reactive). A negative result means that there were no detectable traces of syphilis in your system. A positive result may indicate that you have syphilis. However, a positive diagnosis cannot...
1.The RPR card test is a non-treponemal test for the serological detection of syphilis. Either clear unhemolyzed serum or plasma from EDTA anticoagulated blood may be tested. The antigen suspension consists of carbon particles and a cardiolipin-lecithin extract of beef heart. This non-specific...
Negative Result (Non-Reactive):No Clumping or slight roughness. Note:A negative RPR Test result does not mean the patient is free of syphilis, particularly if the exposure was recent. It can take up to several weeks for antibodies to reach detection levels in the blood. As a result, repeat...
Those who were found to have reactive results had blood taken for confirmation with RPR and TPHA tests. Results The rapid test was reactive in 44 of the 944 (4.7%) individuals. Samples were further tested with the RPR and the TPHA tests; 34 showed to have antibodies against T. pallidum ...
试验rapidtestRPR环状卡片for血浆反应卡片试验快速梅Rapid 系统标签: rprreaginsyphilistestplasmarapid RapidPlasmaReagin(RPR)TestforSyphilis I. Purpose: TheRPR(RapidPlasmaReagin)CardTestsaremacroscopicscreeningproceduresforthedetectionofsyphilis,whichutilizeunheatedserumorplasmafromvenousorfinger-punctureblood. II. Spe...