As a result, FimB repression decreases and more fimS is found in the ON-state, which increases type 1 fimbriae expression. Lrp: The leucine-responsive regulatory protein (Lrp) is an abundant regulatory protein that usually links bacterial metabolism to environmental signals, especially in nutrient...
During minimally invasive surgery, an 'elective' (proactive) conversion can be performed as a precautionary measure before any complica- tion develops, or it can be 'emergent' (reactive), as a result of an intraoperative unfavorable incident [43]. Elective conversions have been associated with ...
During this latency period, the (industrialized) world went through an impressive series of incidents, while an enormous environmental burden and delayed costs were built up. It is imperative for the future establishing mechanisms that this scientific evidence–policy latency period is shortened. • ...
CCR6 is described predominantly as a non-lymphoid tissue (intestine) receptor and a homeostatic chemokine receptor, borne by TH17 cell subsets. During an inflammatory episode CCR6 directs T cell migration into the gut mucosa whilst within the secondary lymphoid organs [30]. Using human peripheral...