此第三方活动由 Gotcha Gotcha Games 举办 RPG Maker 恐怖节! 体验恐怖游戏的魅力!RPG Maker Horror Festival是以恐怖游戏为主题的特别活动,主要在Steam平台举行。活动汇集了众多使用RPG Maker及其他游戏引擎制作的恐怖佳作。本次活动将展出超过200款游戏,其中部分作品还享有折扣优惠!这是深入体验经典恐怖游戏独特魅力的...
That was our Top 10 RPG Maker Horror Games for 2013. Let us know if you agree with our choices and which other games you would include here. But most importantly, enjoy them, get scared and have a new pair of pants at the ready. See you next time....
9月30日晚,我们将为广大玩家带来一场特别的『RPG Maker Horror Festival试胆大会』专题直播活动!此次直播活动特邀两位知名恐怖游戏实况主——孤独音符与荒木木aliki亲临助阵,为大家呈现精彩的直播盛宴。 在直播中,观众不仅可以获取『RPG Maker Horror Festival』的最新活动资讯,还将与主播一起浏览活动页面,深入了解精选...
RPG Maker Horror Festival是以Steam为中心的活动,汇集了由创作者使用RPG Maker或其他游戏引擎制作的恐怖游戏。 活动中将展出200多款游戏,其中部分游戏将以折扣价出售。 快来发掘一些你还不知道的优秀恐怖游戏吧! 活动期间,官方商店『RPG Maker Official Store』和Steam将以
RPG Maker VX Ace: Mythos Horror Resource Pack DLC is a mere glimpse of a Lovecraftian monster is enough to shatter the minds of all but the most...
由角川集团(株式会社KADOKAWA)旗下子公司Gotcha Gotcha Games主办的线上活动——RPG Maker Horror Festival,今日正式启动!为期一周的Steam恐怖游戏大促也同步开启,众多备受喜爱的恐怖游戏作品悉数登场,等你来体验。快来访问活动页面,尽享恐怖游戏的独特魅力,挑战你的胆量极限吧!
20 Best RPG Maker MV Games Omori A turn-based surreal horror RPG in which a child traverses various mundane, quirky, humourous, mysterious and horrific lands with his friends in search of a missing person while confronting his past and his fears. Explore a strange world full of colorful ...
2:42~2:47 由Team GrisGris制作的《尸体派对》系列(好像表示出的只有血色笼罩一作?此处存疑),要血腥有血腥,要配音有配音,要CG有CG,要氛围有氛围的豪华恐怖游戏(在RPG Maker和Wolf里算豪华的了),是真的很恐怖,非常推荐体验。(血色笼罩必玩,后面几部酌情考虑) ...
KBH Games Rpg Games Eloquent Countenance ► Play Now! Eloquent Countenance Eloquent Countenance is a short 2.5D RPG Maker horror/narrative-driven game with visual novel/adventure elements following the story of a nun who was selected by the church to assist in progressing the pastor’s funeral ...
This is my first game project on ( Game maker studio 2 ) This game is about a post apocalyptic time where the whole world is on the verge of a global crisis and extinction. There, prisons and psychiatric hospitals have united and all violent psychobats and especially dangerous...