此第三方活动由Gotcha Gotcha Games举办 RPG Maker 恐怖节! 体验恐怖游戏的魅力! RPG Maker Horror Festival是以恐怖游戏为主题的特别活动,主要在Steam平台举行。活动汇集了众多使用RPG Maker及其他游戏引擎制作的恐怖佳作。本次活动将展出超过200款游戏,其中部分作品还享有折扣优惠!这是深入体验经典恐怖游戏独特魅力的绝...
Steam 创意工坊 部分支持控制器 语言: 界面完全音频字幕 简体中文 ✔ 英语 ✔ 日语 ✔ 法语 ✔ 意大利语 ✔ 查看所有 11 种已支持语言 名称: RPG Maker MZ - Visustella School Horror Vol 1 类型: 角色扮演, 设计和插画, 网络出版 开发商: Visustella 发行商: Degica 系列: Maker 发行日期...
RPG Maker VX Ace: Mythos Horror Resource Pack DLC 僅僅是洛夫克拉夫特式怪物的一瞥,足以粉碎所有人的思想,但最堅強的人除外。現在輪到你用 Eldritch 眾神的恐怖和無法言喻的超越來恐嚇玩家。
RPG Maker VX Ace: Mythos Horror Resource Pack DLC is a mere glimpse of a Lovecraftian monster is enough to shatter the minds of all but the most...
RPG Maker allows you to use a variety of plugins to let you customize your game the way you like it. Huge community – feeling lonely while creating your game? Use the huge community gathered on Steam to help you with your project and together show the world what you have created. Other...
复古恐怖生存RPG《恐怖的世界》(World of Horror)发布大更新《DREADFUL DREAMS》,追加新古神挑战、新道具、新地点、新伙伴和咒文等。本作灵感源自洛氏恐怖和伊藤润二,采用复古像素美术风格,最早于 2020 年开始抢先体验,目前无中文。 #Steam #单机游戏发布于 2023-04-13 17:31・...
Get the best deals on RPG Maker MZ (PC) - Steam Gift - EUROPE at the most attractive prices on the market. Don’t overpay – buy cheap on G2A.COM!
由波兰独立游戏开发者 panstasz 开发、复古恐怖 RPG 《恐怖的世界(WORLD OF HORROR)》今(8)日宣布,将于今年 10 月 19 日脱离抢先体验阶段,正式在 Steam、Nintendo Switch、PS4 平台上。#OurPlay游戏季#OurPlay玩转好游戏 发布于 2023-06-08 13:36・IP 属地中国香港 ...
20 Best RPG Maker MV Games Omori A turn-based surreal horror RPG in which a child traverses various mundane, quirky, humourous, mysterious and horrific lands with his friends in search of a missing person while confronting his past and his fears. Explore a strange world full of colorful ...
Renegade Bureau is the collaborative effort of Detective Jack Virulence and Deputy Chicory Sidewalk. Together they run a game development studio primarily creating indie games using RPG Maker. Listed below is their catalogue of LISA works. Gamejolt...