Quick summary In recent builds of RPCS3, if SPURS Threads is set to "3" as recommended on the RPCS3 Wiki, Demon's Souls is very slow to start up, and eventually hangs on a load screen. If SPURS Threads is set to "Unlimited (Default)," the game runs correctly. Possibly the Wiki's...
在线看Demon's Souls in RPCS3 (i7-5820k + interpreter.. 3分钟 12秒。2017 3月 13的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册!
When attempting to run Demon’s Souls onrpcs3(compiled locally from the git repo, version 0.0.30-16122-7abc5f3e), the game fails to boot. F {RSX [0x0000000]} SIG: Thread terminated due to fatal error: Could not bind OpenGL context (in file /home/snow/software/rpcs3-files2/rpcs3/r...