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We are a family-based business and that allows us to focus on producing HEALTHY and Socialized Micro Teacup, Toy, and Miniature Schnauzer puppies. All of our schnauzer puppies are born and raised in our home and are watched over carefully by our family. We start dog door training and kennel...
One of our miniature schnauzers has a history of stomach woes and imbalanced pH. We tried so many different foods - bagged, canned, even fresh refrigerated brands - but none seemed to help. Finally, I talked to our veterinarian and she recommended the Royal Canin low-fat gastrointestinal form...
Alexander James German, a member of our Puppy & Kitten Expert Board, is a Professor of Small Animal Medicine at the University of Liverpool, a Diplomat of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, and a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Re