標準雪納瑞,身型雖小卻精力充沛,集所有樂趣、活力於一身,包括旺盛的臉部毛髮。迷你雪納瑞毛茸茸的鬍鬚和腮鬚、過頂的眉毛和蓬鬆的耳朵是牠們的定義性特徵,外加社交能力、適應力和智慧。迷你雪納瑞小型的身形代表只要定期鍛鍊,就能當一隻知足的城市犬。這個適合家庭的品種可以住在任何地方 - 只要您在那裡。
The Miniature Schnauzer's handy size makes him a popular town dog. He is robust, hardy and agile, and also very alert, always warning of the approach of strangers to his property.TOY FOX TERRIERDogs belonging to the Toy Fox Terrier breed are 8 to 11 inches tall and weigh 3 to 7 ...